Bit of a strange one today, was using a single socket extension lead and I plugged my hoover into it, turned it on and it started up very briefly before the power to it was cut. Checked if it had tripped an MCB, nope. Next check was the fuse in the plug, thought maybe it was the wrong size and hoover had overloaded it, nope was a 13A fuse and it had not blown. Strange. Plugged my hoover into a socket by itself and worked no problem, so tried it in the extension lead again, nothing. I then took apart the socket on the extension lead and found this: (I would like to point out I haven't personally put together this extension lead, not sure if it's a DIY one or shop bought, it's fairly old)
It was just about still working as it looks like a couple of strands of the live wire were touching the terminal. So the live and earth have clearly been pulled somehow so hard that the wires snapped or were pulled out of the terminals, terminals were not loose by the way. Strange thing is the neutral still has much more slack on it. Also it doesn't look like the whole cable has been pulled out, the cord grip is very tight and there are no cord grip marks further up the cable.
How is it possible for two of the three wires only to have been pulled out of their terminals?? Could winding the cable around something cause this?
Would be interesting to hear your thoughts!
Bit of a strange one today, was using a single socket extension lead and I plugged my hoover into it, turned it on and it started up very briefly before the power to it was cut. Checked if it had tripped an MCB, nope. Next check was the fuse in the plug, thought maybe it was the wrong size and hoover had overloaded it, nope was a 13A fuse and it had not blown. Strange. Plugged my hoover into a socket by itself and worked no problem, so tried it in the extension lead again, nothing. I then took apart the socket on the extension lead and found this: (I would like to point out I haven't personally put together this extension lead, not sure if it's a DIY one or shop bought, it's fairly old)
It was just about still working as it looks like a couple of strands of the live wire were touching the terminal. So the live and earth have clearly been pulled somehow so hard that the wires snapped or were pulled out of the terminals, terminals were not loose by the way. Strange thing is the neutral still has much more slack on it. Also it doesn't look like the whole cable has been pulled out, the cord grip is very tight and there are no cord grip marks further up the cable.
How is it possible for two of the three wires only to have been pulled out of their terminals?? Could winding the cable around something cause this?
Would be interesting to hear your thoughts!