What happened to the drug testing thread?
dont know about the thread BUT I do know random testing is becoming more and more prevelant on sites and company policies company i work for say they can carry it out ( altho I havent heard of any one yet) last company had a couple of clients who did randon testing of their own employees and had a couple sacked due to results they had option to test us but didnt Only "random " security check to keep the gaurds numbers up when the gaffer was around
As for being tested I wouldnt mind and if I had a prescribed drug that said " do not opperate machinery " ect or something similar that could be justified and proved that it was prescribed then I wouldnt worry about tests as the tests are looking for prolific drug abuse not prescribed drug use Altho if it advises NOT to operate machinery ect YOU could be in trouble so best seek advice from occupational health dept of employer if you are prescribed any
i would only be too happy to take a test. Drugs have absolutely no place at work. or at home IMO, but everybody is different. I could be called a hypocrite, because i like a drink every now and then , and IMO alcohol is probably the most prevalant drug, because its seen as socially acceptable.
as someone who enjoys a pint or few too i hate that argument,my reply is always, a bad pint wont kill you...
dunno about that. have you ever tried john smith's smoothflow......
Reply to the thread, titled "What happened to?" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.