Extract from Approved Document M, applicable to new or materially altered buildings other than dwellings - (about as clear as mud.....)
4.30 Switches, outlets and controls will
satisfy Requirement M1 if:
a. wall-mounted socket outlets, telephone
points and TV sockets are located
between 400mm and 1000mm above
the floor, with a preference for the lower
end of the range;
b. switches for permanently wired
appliances are located between 400mm
and 1200mm above the floor, unless
needed at a higher level for particular
c. all switches and controls that require
precise hand movements are located
between 750mm and 1200mm above
the floor;
d. simple push button controls that require
limited dexterity are not more than
1200mm above the floor;
e. pull cords for emergency alarm systems
are coloured red, located as close to
a wall as possible and have two red
50mm diameter bangles, one set at
100mm and the other set between
800mm and 1000mm above the floor;
f. controls that need close vision are
located between 1200mm and 1400mm
above the floor so that readings may be
taken by a person sitting or standing (with
thermostats at the top of the range);
g. socket outlets are located consistently
in relation to doorways and room
corners, but in any case no nearer
than 350mm from room corners;
h. light switches for use by the general
public have large push pads and align
horizontally with door handles within
the range 900 to 1100mm, for ease of
location when entering a room;
i. where switches described in 4.30(h)
cannot be provided, lighting pull cords
are set between 900mm and 1100mm
above floor level, and fitted with a
50mm diameter bangle visually
contrasting with its background and
distinguishable visually from any
emergency assistance pull cord;
j the operation of switches, outlets and
controls does not require the simultaneous
use of both hands, except where this
mode of operation is necessary for
safety reasons;
k. switched socket outlets indicate
whether they are ‘on’;
l. mains and circuit isolator switches
clearly indicate that they are on or off;
m. front plates contrast visually with their