^^^ Couldn't agree more.....You are a business man first, a spark 2 nd....
In my case Sachin I never had much of a choice, work was plentiful, lots of Sub Contract electricians about, and to top it all I had just got Married, buying my first House and after 3 years my Wife was expecting, so the thought of extra pressure of being SE wasn't very appealing, I took the public sector way and never looked back really, still did the odd job on the QT but, not being in a scheme and all the rules and Regs that go along with that way was not for me, maybe not very helpful to you, but that is /was my short story.Having read all of your guys posts, it's clear that you are all grafters and really want to do well for yourselves. I'm curious to know if your own personal website that showcases your work would be a good idea?
I know a large majority of work comes from recommendations but with more and more customers looking online for plumbers I was thinking for the future it would be really useful. Let me know your thoughts
In my case Sachin I never had much of a choice, work was plentiful, lots of Sub Contract electricians about, and to top it all I had just got Married, buying my first House and after 3 years my Wife was expecting, so the thought of extra pressure of being SE wasn't very appealing, I took the public sector way and never looked back really, still did the odd job on the QT but, not being in a scheme and all the rules and Regs that go along with that way was not for me, maybe not very helpful to you, but that is /was my short story.