Eyt hunned amps Fatha! Wor ye not reedin?It all depends on what load these starters yer taalking aboot's ganna pull hinny.
Eyt hunned amps Fatha! Wor ye not reedin?It all depends on what load these starters yer taalking aboot's ganna pull hinny.
N wa not taalkin aboot Marshalls n fowa b twelves hea!Eyt hunned amps Fatha! Wor ye not reedin?
Eyt hunned amps Fatha! Wor ye not reedin?
I think I need English classes
N wa not taalkin aboot Marshalls n fowa b twelves hea!
I resisted the temptation of that one Fatha, it was too easy. Like paggarin Makems on a Frida neetWould that be before or after your electricians course????
God yeah, tens of thousands I expect lolI would love to see the client’s reaction to the price of a transformer upgrade, especially if a new MV supply is needed.
Bet the project gets put on hold, permanently!
I remember that one, the bassist of a band I humped for for a laugh had one. He fell over and broke his wrist in Eindhoven so it was either cancel the gig or have me filling in. They sacked him when we got back to the UKBurman fower b twelves noo them wis HEAVY!!!
He made a bass rig and got a bit carried away to the extent that no bugger could lift or carry it !!!
I was on a job last year on a farm, gadgie had built a house and needed about 150 metres of 3 phase mains cable for the house and his grain drying shed, 2 poles and a tranny. He dug the trench himself, lined it with sieved sand, tiled it, taped it and back filled after it was all installed.I would love to see the client’s reaction to the price of a transformer upgrade, especially if a new MV supply is needed.
Bet the project gets put on hold, permanently!
will be wpd.
Im struggling to figure out what is confusing?
everything before the meter is the distributors property.
If there is another after main then in that case it might be the customers property.
eng or tony would be my choice to explain as I havent got much experience with trannies of this size
Reply to the thread, titled "What size cable do I need?" which is posted in Commercial Electrical Advice on Electricians Forums.