When it comes to Electrical work.
Industrial = Canteen on site and you wear a boiler suit and rigger boots.
You must be thinking of the good old days mate. We dont have a canteen now, cost cutting....
WOT? you telling me there are sites where you still get a lunch break? how much of the £6/hour do the agencies dock for it?
If you honestly believe that daft comment , you have obviously never worked in a Real commercial or Real Industrial environment!!!
One thing to remember here, ...You can take an industrial electrician and and drop him in a domestic environment and with a few pointers here and there would be quite capable of undertaking any work in that category. Try doing that with a domestic electrician and dropping him in a heavy commercial, or industrial surrounding, and see what happens!!!
I see what you mean mate, if you are saying industrial is more technical... But being a domestic spark is quite physical. Try telling a domestic spark who is grafting on an occupied rewire that his job isnt hard. Im pretty sure hed tell you where its at.
I see what you mean mate, if you are saying industrial is more technical... But being a domestic spark is quite physical. Try telling a domestic spark who is grafting on an occupied rewire that his job isnt hard. Im pretty sure hed tell you where its at.
i think all three sectors can be demanding and technical. Ive worked on heavy industrial sites, pulling 6m lengths of uni up the side of a 50m boiler on a rope line. thats hard graft. ive been in houses chasing kitchens by hand with a club hammer and bolster and cold chisel. thats aklso hard graft. ive done shop fiiting whwere everything is to be done yesterday, and thats also hard graft. but also ive worked on substations doing panel wiring, and thats easy. terminate cable 1, core 5 to terminal x21-2. that some of the better paid work about too!
our trade is so varied, that you cant say that one part is easier or harder than something else. wesay that domestic isnt technical, but how many industrial sparks could wire a mulitmillion pound house with power, AV, intelligent lighting, data ect. and do it to the book, and inspect, test and certify it properly?
Not all of us, not without some head scratching, and some intense reading of books.
my 2ps worth
Reply to the thread, titled "Whats the difference between Domestic , Commercial and Industrial.?" which is posted in Domestic Electrician Forum on Electricians Forums.