Well, that's where it gets a little complicated. By stripping the cable and taking the bright copper into be weighed you are then left with all the insulation which I am not sure what to do with. Had I taken the cable to weighed in with all the insulation left on then the insulation gets recycled as it all gets shredded (micronisation) and then sorted.Good for you . It is a sacrilege to waste the Earth's none recurring resources ,and you get paid for it too
During my next visit to the scrap dealer i will take in all the insulation and ask if he will take it for recycling but I'd be surprised if he does.
can we have a link to that £20 jobby?
Manual Handle Wire Cable Stripping Machine Wire Stripper Scrap Copper 1-20mm | eBay
Model: Wire Stripping Machine 1. Type: Wire Stripping Machine. 1x Stripping Machine. Sturdy and practical, free to disassemble, free assembly. Fine quality, safe and convenient to operate. Due to the influence of the display and the light of the photo, there may be a gap between the color of...
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