I was having a chat with my dad about this last night (Professor of Combustion Engineering) who's been running 2 CPD courses of the last 2 weeks with representatives of several of the major power companies, and all of them were basically saying the same thing - that the power producers are going to hold the government to ransom this summer in the build up to this coming winter, with most of the coal plants originally due to close in 2016 stopping production entirely in April this year to beat the new carbon tax the government has imposed on them from that point (they had 20,000 total operating hours allowed between 2008? and 2016, so they've mostly just brought these hours forward and used them up before the tax kicked in), with apparently several new gas plants basically pretty much built but not being connected until the electricity price rises significantly to justify their connection.
Essentially the government is either going to have to revoke the implementation of a long standing EU regulation to shut down these dirty coal plants, risking huge fines from Europe as well as huge compensation claims from the plants that have invested in the SO2 scrubbers etc needed to keep operating, or they're going to have to accept some pretty hefty electricity price rises this year in order to get that new gas generation that Osbourne loves so much actually connected and operating. One or the other, or possibly both need to happen before the winter of 2014 or the lights will go out and the government will fall. I've no idea if anyone at DECC actually understands this yet, or if they do whether ministers are actually listening to them instead of coming up with ludicrous schemes to attempt to bluff people into thinking that prices might be reduced if only the government talks tough enough on the issue.
My prediction is a 20% rise in electricity prices before next winter, and the government granting a temporary extension in hours to the coal plants that are due to shut to see us through next winter, then trying to pass the buck by blaming it all on Europe - remember when they do this that it's entirely their fault as they brought the tax in that's resulted directly in these plants bringing forward their closure dates by 2 years.
Essentially the government is either going to have to revoke the implementation of a long standing EU regulation to shut down these dirty coal plants, risking huge fines from Europe as well as huge compensation claims from the plants that have invested in the SO2 scrubbers etc needed to keep operating, or they're going to have to accept some pretty hefty electricity price rises this year in order to get that new gas generation that Osbourne loves so much actually connected and operating. One or the other, or possibly both need to happen before the winter of 2014 or the lights will go out and the government will fall. I've no idea if anyone at DECC actually understands this yet, or if they do whether ministers are actually listening to them instead of coming up with ludicrous schemes to attempt to bluff people into thinking that prices might be reduced if only the government talks tough enough on the issue.
My prediction is a 20% rise in electricity prices before next winter, and the government granting a temporary extension in hours to the coal plants that are due to shut to see us through next winter, then trying to pass the buck by blaming it all on Europe - remember when they do this that it's entirely their fault as they brought the tax in that's resulted directly in these plants bringing forward their closure dates by 2 years.