Just sat looking at my old cooker that's sat in my kitchen with a piece of 6mm2 hanging out of it.
Its info plate in the door says it pulls a max of 5.3kw, which using P/V gives us 23a which means it could easily be put on 32a and 4mm, or 25a and 2.5mm no?
Yet it was on 6mm and a 45a breaker.
Just wondering why or if i've got something wrong here.
Its info plate in the door says it pulls a max of 5.3kw, which using P/V gives us 23a which means it could easily be put on 32a and 4mm, or 25a and 2.5mm no?
Yet it was on 6mm and a 45a breaker.
Just wondering why or if i've got something wrong here.