I fit quite alot of the Pyronix Castle Enforce 32 wireless alarms, well I have fitted probably 10 - 12 this year, I have never had any problems with them. The batteries in my experience last 2 - 3 years without the need to be replaced.
I also hook it all up to the phone line, its a doddle configuring it when you know how. Like I say I have never had a problem, it sends SMS messages to you within probably 5 - 10 seconds of it going off.
You can even now fit the GPRS module for approx £150 for a LAN version so that you can communicate with the alarm remotely via the iPhone App, so you can arm and disarm areas etc, check status and everything else.
I have never fitted a wired alarm and don't ever intend to, I like wireless. Like I say in my opinion they are very good and never had a problem, I have probably fitted 30 of these, all very happy customers. Make your own mind up, but I think they are very good.
Think you made my mind up for me UK, want an easy install without the cables, if you've fitted them and recommend it then that'll do for me.