Not that long ago I supplied power to a portacabbin, it was fed from a 3 phase panel in a close by building.
I TT'd the cabbin/site office, there is a small single phase sub board in the cabbin.
Now there is going to be 2 x metal storage containers placed next to the portacabbin for storing materials ect,
The 2 x containers want to have 1 x light & 2 x sockets in each..
My question is, is it ok to use the TT earth rod for the cabbin to earth the 2 containers? Or does each container need it's own rod? There all next to each other.
Also what wiring method would you use for this tempory install, there steel containers and will be there for around 6-8 months
I TT'd the cabbin/site office, there is a small single phase sub board in the cabbin.
Now there is going to be 2 x metal storage containers placed next to the portacabbin for storing materials ect,
The 2 x containers want to have 1 x light & 2 x sockets in each..
My question is, is it ok to use the TT earth rod for the cabbin to earth the 2 containers? Or does each container need it's own rod? There all next to each other.
Also what wiring method would you use for this tempory install, there steel containers and will be there for around 6-8 months