Departing a little from the original thread, i was watching an Aussie TV programme on cable last night called ''The Block''. Where DIY contestants along with their various tradesmen are doing up individual apartments in a block of flats. Last night they were doing the bathrooms, and hey ho, low and behold ''ALL'' of the bathrooms had double socket outlets by the vanity sink, as well as the light and fan switches.... lol!!
So yet another country, that has no problem with electrical outlets etc, in it's bathrooms. It seems as i have pointed out many times now, it's only the UK that has draconian rules regarding bathroom electrical installations!! ...lol!!
So yet another country, that has no problem with electrical outlets etc, in it's bathrooms. It seems as i have pointed out many times now, it's only the UK that has draconian rules regarding bathroom electrical installations!! ...lol!!