wiring up a new circuit board in a workshop | Page 2 | on ElectriciansForums

Discuss wiring up a new circuit board in a workshop in the Electrician Talk | All Countries area at ElectriciansForums.net

Doesn't want to pay to have it done properly and now wants advice for free.

Sorry mate but most of the sparkies here, study, pass exams, pay their registration, pay for insurance, buy expensive testers ..... to ensure that installations are safe, meet the requriements of BS7671 and meet (where relevent) Part P requirements.

Post you location and maybe you'll get some proper hands on advice in exchange for some money.
hi interesting thread,
firstly what do you need 50A for in your shed for ?, then on the design side, length of cable, installation method, intended load max, etc etc, its all in 2391, basically one way would be to terminate the SWA ( 2.5 mm ) in a free standing 30 mA RCD enclosure,, gland it ( suitable IP rated) and put a 2.5 mm flex and 13 A plug on the end of it, then its just an extension lead !!
Your grinder tripped the rcd in the house hence no power on half the board probably due to discrimination, the sooner you realise you are out of ur depth the better!!!

No it didnt trip the rcd in the house that is still working fine as i have mentioned numerous times in my previous posts. I think i get the general idea now, just get a sparky in to do it. I really wisj people would read all the facts that i have given though before they comment then it might be more helpfull.!!!
as you have now gathered richard their is quite alot of arrogant and close nit sparks on here who dont want to give advice even though i mention it numerous times that this is a forum site to gain information, i can see the point of what they are trying to say but i can also see the point more of those wanting to ask questions about electrical matters, they work on the principle if you need to ask you should not do the job yourself (in a kinder way of saying it)
yeah kenny i kind of gathered. like i have said before on here i am a trader and yes they have passed exams and bought expensive gadgets. then again so have i, i have been though numerous exams and got expensive tools as well BUT if someone asked me a genuine question i would give them the advice for free, guess that shows who is the better person. I didnt want to get like this but the arrogant ones on here are really ****ing me off, so if you havnt got anything constructive to say then go and stick your fingers in a plus socket and flick it on :-D .... if any admins see this thread can you please delete it as it is of no use to me and it has just basically turned into a playground slanging match. Your all easy to shout up and judge over a computer aint ya. Dont judge people if you dont know them.
i once worked with a spark who would talk it through with the other lads and myself on how he was going to do the job from picking the right size screwdriver right through to each stage of the job, it took him longer to explain what and how he was going to do the job than actually doing it and it was irritating and it was true that what he said was right but us other lads didnt want to hear it again, the moral of my true story is that is what alot of the old timers on here want to read people who dont have questions and know everything which in a sense is boring to read what you already know, maybe one day they will realise this when everybody just threads info that everybody knows because people are afraid to ask a question incase they get verbally abused and go to another forum site with more pleasant sparks who are willing to give there positive opinions and advice.
yeah fair enough u have all passed exams and bought all the gadgets. I have passed exams in my trade and bought all the tools. If someone asked me for advice and was genuine then i would give it them for free. guess that shows who is the better person. i have contacted a spearky as i mentioned god knows how many times on here and that was the advice he gave me. FFS dont people read these forums before the comment or was u just itching to have your say ...!!!
i once worked with a spark who would talk it through with the other lads and myself on how he was going to do the job from picking the right size screwdriver right through to each stage of the job, it took him longer to explain what and how he was going to do the job than actually doing it and it was irritating and it was true that what he said was right but us other lads didnt want to hear it again, the moral of my true story is that is what alot of the old timers on here want to read people who dont have questions and know everything which in a sense is boring to read what you already know, maybe one day they will realise this when everybody just threads info that everybody knows because people are afraid to ask a question incase they get verbally abused and go to another forum site with more pleasant sparks who are willing to give there positive opinions and advice.

WELL SAID MATE ... manners cost nothing, i hope you lot dont speak to your customers like that cus if you did you would be out of work. Like i said anyone can lip off over a computer, maybe u all ought to think about that one.
dont matter now anyway i have asked admins to delete the thread and my account as it is worthless. I have wasted too much time on here. Thanks to the couple of decent ones on here who have offered constructive and pleasant advice ... much appreciated.
as you have now gathered richard their is quite alot of arrogant and close nit sparks on here who dont want to give advice even though i mention it numerous times that this is a forum site to gain information, i can see the point of what they are trying to say but i can also see the point more of those wanting to ask questions about electrical matters, they work on the principle if you need to ask you should not do the job yourself (in a kinder way of saying it)

You are quite correct there are a few "close (k)nit sparks" on here, and again yes a few of us are arrogant in the fact that we have been doing this a long time and seen most of it and done most of it.

I gather by your post Kenny your a sparks yourself so I'm amazed that you have decried the advice given to Richard.

There were a few I agree perhaps less than helpful post, mine for one, but it looks like that was born out of frustration that Richard would not quite take on board the fact that he was not competent enough to do this work. It can for some be a little, let's say disappointing, when they are confronted with a task that they are not able to carry out, especially when the task does not look that daunting to them, but in reality they are not capable of doing.

I will object to your assumption Kenny that guys/gals on here are not helpful. I have seen thread after thread of guys given their time, for free, to talk people through jobs, problems, exam questions and even life sometimes as a community.

It is as you say an open forum, where information and ideas should be exchanged, but I still believe very much in care of duty. I could not, and never will give out advice on a subject where someone is obviously out of their depth and could easily cause damage or even worse injure themselves or others. Like most on here I would advise they should seek professional guidance. after all it looks quite easy to fly a plane, I wonder how far I get on a forum if I posted I got this Lear juet and and pilot as told me this and that, how do I actually take off!

The work that you wish to carry out on your home IS notfiable under Part P of the building regulations.

Alongside that, the type of work you are doing is something that requires a lot of careful consideration with regards to a safety.

The questions you raised are a little concerning. One that is particularly worrying is where to connect the cable at the house end. (Did i read, directly into the red main switch?). and a few members have recommended you to contact a local competent electrician who would be able to advise you correctly after having seen whats required.

And i respectfully ask that any member who does not wish to assist, to move on to the next thread.

The work that you wish to carry out on your home IS notfiable under Part P of the building regulations.

Alongside that, the type of work you are doing is something that requires a lot of careful consideration with regards to a safety.

The questions you raised are a little concerning. One that is particularly worrying is where to connect the cable at the house end. (Did i read, directly into the red main switch?). and a few members have recommended you to contact a local competent electrician who would be able to advise you correctly after having seen whats required.

And i respectfully ask that any member who does not wish to assist, to move on to the next thread.

Thank you Jason for your reply. I assaume that you are the admin that i contaatced ???. if so i would appreciate it if you could kindly delete this thread as i asked previously if that is possible as i do not want anymore notification from it. I must say that i am disappointed with the response from several members. The approach that alot of you had was very arrogant and uncalled for. A simple nudge in the right direction was all that was needed> After the advice that i recieved from a electrician to wire it up how i did can you not see why i have given up and asked people on here who i assumed would help. Guess its too much to ask these days. Thank you once again to the minority that have offered constructive advice and in the correct way. Please delete thread. Many thanks Richard
I think the nudge in the right direction was pretty apparent after about 3 posts, when you were told to contact a qualified electrician.

That is fair enough but as i have said there was no need for the hostility and attitude that came with that nudge in the right direction in my opinion. Also do you think i trust many electricians at the moment after i was told to wire the consumer unit up as i mentioned by a qualified electrician. I dont think so !!!
if you were told wrong in the first place then i would question whether the electrician who told you the wrong advice is qualified . surely not from the same regs. as i've got. i think any hostility you seem to have had from forum members stems from the fact that you don't seem to have heeded the good advice given in the first 2 or 3 posts. i'm sure that if i went on the law society's forum and suggested i defended myself on a manslaughter charge, i'd get some pretty short sharp replies.

Reply to wiring up a new circuit board in a workshop in the Electrician Talk | All Countries area at ElectriciansForums.net

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