never be able to understand 'em. valentines day, 'er indoors bought me a 1litre of scotch. nice. now she'll moan about me drinking. can anyone find the logic in this?
Women like moaning, men start to work them out and avoid the moaning, woman get frustrated then trick the men into a moaning situation ... and the the cycle starts all over again
that old rosie is a nice tipple,not for thre girly lager drinkers though. after the rosie, you can graduate to the real stuff. bits of apple, sheep's bits, and bones of the that's real cider.
Think you may have had to much of that wiskeystrating to woorty about you.that post seems like women's logic. a complete oxymoron.
Think you may have had to much of that wiskey
I have none of the usuall women type hassle from my lady.
She looks like a lady (a very pretty one) and has all the lady bits in all the right places BUT between her ears lies a bloke type brain! So, she thinks like a bloke and instead of her doing girly stuff like chrocheting & knitting & things she likes shooting, driving & messing about with cars & other blokey stuff.
She's perfection personified.