Hi all,
I have been looking into a suspected earth leakage problem.
I have purchased a Metrel earth leakage clamp, and started by measuring what I expected would be the earth leakage on the consumer unit by clamping the main earth into the board. The clamp metre was fluctuating rapidly and reading between 100mA and 150mA, so that confused me as at least one of the RCD’s should have tripped with that much leakage.
Then I clamped the Gas and Water bonding. One read between 100 and 150mA, the other read between 200mA to 240mA.
Then I clamped the main distributor’s earth lead from the incoming supply to the MET, and this time I read between 1000mA and 1250mA.
I switched off the consumer unit main switch and set the clamp meter to read amps not milliamps, and even with the consumer unit turned off it still read 1.2 amps.
I tried my Megger clamp meter and that confirmed that with the consumer unit main switch turned off, there is about 1.2A flowing through the main earth cable.
Later I tried the Metrel meter at my house and it read a steady 5.5mA current through the main earth between the supply earth and the MET. I then turned off my home consumer unit and the reading dropped to 0.5mA, which I assume is background and nothing to worry about.
I also tried plugging my kettle into my PAT tester and clamped the Metrel meter over an exposed earth wire (in an adapted extension lead) and the PAT tester said the leakage was 0.55mA using a differential calculation, and the Metrel meter said it was 0.47mA, so it only differs by 0.08mA so it looks like the Metrel meter is working correctly and reasonably accurately, and there really is 1.2 amps coming from somewhere in my client's house.
I am not sure what to do now. Does this mean there is a problem with the distributor's earth? Or am I misinterpreting the results?
Is this situation as dangerous as I believe it is?
I have been looking into a suspected earth leakage problem.
I have purchased a Metrel earth leakage clamp, and started by measuring what I expected would be the earth leakage on the consumer unit by clamping the main earth into the board. The clamp metre was fluctuating rapidly and reading between 100mA and 150mA, so that confused me as at least one of the RCD’s should have tripped with that much leakage.
Then I clamped the Gas and Water bonding. One read between 100 and 150mA, the other read between 200mA to 240mA.
Then I clamped the main distributor’s earth lead from the incoming supply to the MET, and this time I read between 1000mA and 1250mA.
I switched off the consumer unit main switch and set the clamp meter to read amps not milliamps, and even with the consumer unit turned off it still read 1.2 amps.
I tried my Megger clamp meter and that confirmed that with the consumer unit main switch turned off, there is about 1.2A flowing through the main earth cable.
Later I tried the Metrel meter at my house and it read a steady 5.5mA current through the main earth between the supply earth and the MET. I then turned off my home consumer unit and the reading dropped to 0.5mA, which I assume is background and nothing to worry about.
I also tried plugging my kettle into my PAT tester and clamped the Metrel meter over an exposed earth wire (in an adapted extension lead) and the PAT tester said the leakage was 0.55mA using a differential calculation, and the Metrel meter said it was 0.47mA, so it only differs by 0.08mA so it looks like the Metrel meter is working correctly and reasonably accurately, and there really is 1.2 amps coming from somewhere in my client's house.
I am not sure what to do now. Does this mean there is a problem with the distributor's earth? Or am I misinterpreting the results?
Is this situation as dangerous as I believe it is?