Needs explaining doesn't it that title.
We have a new type of moderation system. Maybe that's the wrong word. It's more or a "content checker" who clears all posts as they read them.
So I need 10 positions filling. (More explanation below but need see the images and the new wording "check" and "uncheck".)
The aim is to scan the forum as you read normally. I could find the most active users in last 3 months say and approach them but I'd like to give others a chance too. .
See the check/uncheck wording in the forums like this. If you know a thread is legit just click check there to check the full thread. Okay on threads with sub 5 posts only if you know what it's about.

This is what a thread will look like.
So the idea is you check for compliance with the forum rules which I will improve on soon.
Then maybe help mods by reporting swearing at members or whatever. Let them be the decider on what they do with it though. Some get watched by them further anyway but your early nod will help them out.
Spam and stuff is automatically dealt with mostly but if you see some report it.
Responsibility will rely on me. My companies that run the forums and Web dev business and whatnot. Never you.
But with that in mind your are my eyes when I aren't around maybe or don't go deep into historical threads etc. Maybe you end up on unchecked threads from older days more than I would. Etc.
Broken links or images need spotting and reporting and mods can fix it or get me find a suitable equal replacement that works.
And there will be more jobs that come from checks over time but I can't think of them all.
To be open the poll process is all open and I'd like any questions be in this thread not via a PM as the question may help others. And others can open this thread in the future and maybe by then we need more to check older threads.
So please express your interest in the poll and those who vote will be public so others can see also.
We have a new type of moderation system. Maybe that's the wrong word. It's more or a "content checker" who clears all posts as they read them.
So I need 10 positions filling. (More explanation below but need see the images and the new wording "check" and "uncheck".)
The aim is to scan the forum as you read normally. I could find the most active users in last 3 months say and approach them but I'd like to give others a chance too. .
See the check/uncheck wording in the forums like this. If you know a thread is legit just click check there to check the full thread. Okay on threads with sub 5 posts only if you know what it's about.

This is what a thread will look like.
So the idea is you check for compliance with the forum rules which I will improve on soon.
Then maybe help mods by reporting swearing at members or whatever. Let them be the decider on what they do with it though. Some get watched by them further anyway but your early nod will help them out.
Spam and stuff is automatically dealt with mostly but if you see some report it.
Responsibility will rely on me. My companies that run the forums and Web dev business and whatnot. Never you.
But with that in mind your are my eyes when I aren't around maybe or don't go deep into historical threads etc. Maybe you end up on unchecked threads from older days more than I would. Etc.
Broken links or images need spotting and reporting and mods can fix it or get me find a suitable equal replacement that works.
And there will be more jobs that come from checks over time but I can't think of them all.
To be open the poll process is all open and I'd like any questions be in this thread not via a PM as the question may help others. And others can open this thread in the future and maybe by then we need more to check older threads.
So please express your interest in the poll and those who vote will be public so others can see also.