1.is it accessible, could you comfortable get to it to work on the Fused Spurs. ? 2. is the likelihood of a leak likely to happen ? 3. is it protected by an RCD?
for a start I don't like it it looks pony, it certainly wouldn't pass mustard in my house.
If you can't work on it then its not accessible, therefore it will not be complaint with the wiring regulation. every point needs to be accessible for purpose of inspection and repair.
Consideration has to be given to other service,ie Water service in close proximity to electrical service, so when ever installing an item ie Fused spur/ Socket, its require to take this in to consideration,
if there is any evidence of water leaking on to the fused spur, I would say this has fail the consideration to other service.
I personally think it fail any way and would have gone for an IP rated Fused spur if had to fit it under the bath. I would of also of built a wooden frame off the wall so it located under the bath and therefore even less likely to have water drip down the wall on to it
As its a bathroom as well it a special location and should be protected by an RCD.
Either way the customer should get themselves an Electrician out to check it over.
well done Plumber!