Looked at a job tonight, with a TN-S supply. The main earth conductor was 16mm to an earth clamp onto the lead sheathing of the supply. There was a 100amp cut out fuse, with 16mm tails feeding meter and board. The board was updated by a NIC EIC approved contractor only 12 months ago...
When carrying out a PIR do you actually have to see the earth clamp on the water pipe?
I've had a few jobs lately where only the stopcock can be seen at the back of the kitchen cupboard and everything else is boxed in. I check continuity from the stopcock back to the CU and that is ok, but do I...
doing a PIR on a property next week. Went yesterday to have a quick look for pricing.
This is the suppliers head. Not seen one like this before. The original TNCS earth is solid connection from the sheath to the side of the box - can be seen in the photo.
Someone has used a cable clamp to...
I'm about to do my first job with SWA cable installing a socket in a shed under a metre from the house. CU is an old wylex CU which was upgraded with RCD protection when the guy had a new kitchen fitted. Would I be ok with the following...
2.5mm t/e to wiska junction box from 30A JB in bungalow...
proud moment of switch on went down like a damp match this pm. Steca invertor should be showing flashing or constant LED neither showing. I am puzzled have changed the polarity of invertor. Supplier says that sometimes the invertor takes time to fire up. It is is very overcast outside so he...
Have to bond to incoming water pipe with restricted access, was wondering what people use as an alternative to the common or garden variety.
Have looked at ezybond & tenby rapid clamp, but wondered if anyone had found anything better out there.
Regards wa
Hello all.
I need a clamp on ampmeter to measure DC voltage, the more basic the better, all I need to measure is amperage going in and out of a 48 volt bank of batterys, regards Dave H.
Selling my Fluke 322 if anyone is interested, comes with case and batteries sorry but no leads.... few superficial marks here and there but in good working order
Feel free to make me an offer
Been to a property for yet another PIR yesterday and would like to guage other peoples opinion on this one.
Incoming NIE supply cable is supposed to be TNS but the earth at present is fed from 2 951 bonding clamps. My query is on this i have now been advised by NICEIC to fail the installation...
A student of mine had his new toy delivered today (delivery first thing, thank you very much Tester Meter). We've had a play with it and I am surprised to see that it has a method of caculating R1&R2 as what appears to be normal practice.
You turn the dial to Zref, make a loop impedance...
Hi guys (and gals?),
My first post, so be gentle! Still new to this game and building up my tool collection - been quoted £192 for the sensitive current clamp attachment for my Metrel 17th edition multimeter. Got an earth leakage problem to look at so need the tool - any other/cheaper...
Bought a clamp meter a few months ago but it's not exactly what i was after (doesn't record inrush current) so is really surplus to requirement. Just after what i paid for it which i think was £96 plus a few quid for postage. Meter is good as new as i've only used it to do a couple of...
Alphatek TEK775 Mini-Clamp AC Earth Leakage Tester. Buy online or call
i know its out of stock but i canget hold of 1, but just not sure how good it is and if it can be used as a normal clamp meter or ist it solely for earth leakage?
Hi all,
Was just wondering if anyone had any opinions on which clamp meter to get?
Dont want anything too expensive (max £150) as i am just starting out.
Or is it worth wile spending the extra to get a top notch one?
Well I've given up looking for my clamp meter and ordered a new one. Of course you know what that means, the old one will now turn up, anyone know of a deserving case for one if it does? :)
Hi Everybody,
Been looking to get an earth leakage clamp meter for some time, and I have been reading up on them on the forum.
After a thread last week Telectrix posted a link to an Ebay site for an Alphatec TEK 633. and I have since bought one, just got it and I must say It looks the...
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