I completed a job recently where a hotel reception had a new desk fitted. The old desk dado was supplied via an RCD spur from the existing ring. This ring is fed from one of the very old Merlin single phase boards which I’ve been told you cannot retrofit Schneider ic60n RCBO’s in. I had to...
I will not be carrying out this work!! a qualified electrician will be.
Could someone let me know if it is possible to change the Proteus Fuse holder's to RCBO'S please?
Take a look at the 8 live circuits, including lighting made off into 1, 20A MCB I found while carrying out an EICR inspection today! Does anyone recognise the manufacturer of RCBO?
Done a board change at domestic property ti an rcbo and spd board, previously had old rewireable fuse board, and done all my ir tests and so on and everything seemed good, lo and behold I get a phone call that the downstairs sockets have tripped, I told them to remove all loads and the circuit...
Hi, this Wylex NHXSBS1BO6 has failed and I'll get a new one but I don't know if you see that the live is the hole at the back and the connection is really deep! Seems a stupid design.
Also when fully tightened these RCBOs have a small gap?
They just seem garbage to me.
Can I use another brand...
Hi All -
I have a new-to-me boat and I'm trying to better understand the electrical system. I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum, but it's a French built boat using all Hager MCBs and switches. None of this stuff exists in the U.S., afaik.
I'm not on the boat at the moment to test but from...
I have the feeling that I might have small currents running in the house. So first of all, I am considering to get a leakage clamp meter. But besides of this, I am also considering to replace the breakers with RCBO. But then the question, should I go for indivdual rcbo or just replace the main...
2 questions..
1. Will the mini Starbreaker RCBO's fit in this board?
Below is a picture of the board and also the type of RCBO I want to fit in? Thanks :)
2. The existing 100mA RCD is type AC. The RCBO's will be Type A. I have never quite got my head around how this 'incorrect' selectivity...
Just wondering if someone could help provide an explanation as to why this might be the case when testing an RCBO. Testing the RCBO at the DB recorded a value of >300ms (test probes connected N&L load side, and E bar), yet when running the same test at a socket-outlet of the same RCBO tripped at...
I’m probably going to look stupid here, but it will be worth it if I get the answer 😆, as I can’t fathom it out.
I’ve never really thought of it before, but…..
A circuit breaker comes in curves B, C, and D. Now we all know it’s mostly to do with the in rush of current ( layman terms) but the...
I recently had an EICR done at my property which unfortunately was unsatisfactory. So the electrican advised a new fuseboard from BG General or Fusebox but he advised there will be alteration to the wall as the unit is flush mount inside wall and the mounting frame is glued in with screws...
I need to install a defib unit outside on a wall.
Does this require an RCBO or not, just wondering as the unit has a small heater within and should it trip out for any reason other than under fault conditions (it is in a dampish environment, a harbour) it will get damp.
So MCB or RCBO...
I need to change a memera 2000 6amp mcb for an rcbo that is compatible . I believe the mentioned mcb are not made anymore. Anyone got any suggestions ?
hi all
come across a new build commercial office where radial circuits feeding electrak power track was protected by 32A RCBO at dist board and the electrak tap off leads terminated into RCD under desk sockets
why install RCD sockets when circuit is protected by 32A RCBO
is this install correct...
Trying to organise a CU replacement at home. It's a 1930s property. It's got a 10way CU but with no RCD protection.
Was after a larger unit with full RCBOs. Every Sparky I've spoken to has varied in their suggested plans.
1) Some say do an EICR first, others happy to just go straight with a...
So here is the thing
Rhere is an old MEMSHIELD TPN+E Board that is pretty mich obsolete. The only place that sells their breakers would be Ebay right.
After having EICR done on it it's been flagged that It requires RCBO/RCD for sockets right.
So here is where we are at
It's not really...
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