The course you're thinking of is the EAL Domestic Installers Certificate.
, ive fitted quite a few consumer units,house rewires,basic lights and plug wiring and alarms wired smoke dets showers etc and feel confident and safe enough to work on my own once qualified especially as i will have the book to help guide me etc.
So you only want to basically change like for like do you, and of course rewires, and just about everything else, from what i can see all on the back of a test on the 17th...
The 17th isn't going to teach you ''Anything'' ...and what you know about electrical theory i'm dammed sure i could write on the back of a smoke packet and i jest not!!!
You are incompetent Now and you will be just as incompetent when you hold your bit of paper, and still just as incompetent when a scheme provider registers you as a buckshee competent electrician. That's is the biggest farce of all, the very people put in place to oversee electrical competence, are the very people allowing them in, droves ...and into the general public's houses!!! They are just interested in the income from these people!!
Basically your just a builder that wants to be able to sign off any electrical work you take on, that in reality, you shouldn't even be touching. You have absolutly no recognised technical training whatsoever, you have NOTHING in fact!!! Who knows what criteria you have used to design any of the circuits you've installed in the past, ..the mind just boggles!!! In all Honesty, you are little more than a DIY'er
Tel, i'm a bit surprised at you coming out with that ''Fair Enough''!! There's nothing fair enough about this guy, he thinks (and doesn't everyone) he's capable of doing an electricians work and just wants to sign his own work off!! For god's sake, he doesn't even come close to being as capable as a Electrical Trainee in electrical technical terms!!
Geezus this has just got to stop, before everyone ''thinks'' they are an electrician!!!
hi there,can i ask if youve tried to contact the relevant organisation about all these so called diy'ers like myself,surely there must be houses burning down everywhere, do you think my father who owns a reputable building company would allow me to do wiring etc that im not sure about that could be dangerous, i wouldnt allow myself to do that.
people like you seem to think you know it all and rather than guide people in the right direction of where i could possibly get training if needed just prefer to slate us all and tarnish us with the same brush,whats to say you arent a dodgy electrician eh???
im not saying you might not be clued up on everything but jesus give people a break and help them with constructive advice if your so concerned about how dangerous the trade is with all these unskilled electricians runnning about!
heres an example for you,when i came into the motor trade out of school i never went to college so didnt have any nvqs as such but as the years went by i learnt and anything i wasnt sure about i had my work checked out like i would more so with electrics, now i went working at other garages over the years and picked up qualifications from manufacture training etc but one boss i had said i was better trained than some of the techs who had been to college and to be honest ive seen them come out of college into the real world and find it a challenge, because i had hands on experience and even now though im still learning new things here and there but sometimes college isnt all that.
if you want to offer any good constructive advice feel free but please dont tarnish me with the rest of bad electricians,i want the 17th so i can start doing more and learning on the way but would never take chances and make sure i got somone in to check my work if i wasnt sure or happy?
Not much interested in whether your dad thinks your capable or not, the fact of the matter is, you have stated here that you have done house rewires CU changes, and just about everything else. You, whether you like it or, have no recognised training whatsoever!! Your NOT competent by anyone's stretch of the imagination to have done any of this work. Which means you should never have been undertaking this work in peoples houses full stop. I don't even care if you had someone look it over, (they never get to see everything anyway) more fool them for signing your work off, which is also supposed to be illegal. So your working illegally and the guy signing your work off is illegal, getting the picture yet?? What your after, like so many others, a quick fix way of signing your own work off, and that was evident from your very first post!!!
If you want constructive advice, Go and get yourself on a recognised C&G level 3, core electrical qualification course. At the same time get your dad's electrician to give you working experience.... In other words do things properly, and not going down the quick fix path, because they don't work!!!
maybe you go on a defensive because you dont want more people coming in the trade or taking work away from you etc which is understandable but its going to happen if you give advice or not
Reply to the thread, titled "17th and part p advice" which is posted in Electrical Wiring, Theories and Regulations on Electricians Forums.