This was in 443.2.1 in Amd3, "A suspended cable having insulated conductors with earthed metallic covering is deemed to be an underground cable for the purposes of this section."
443.2 was removed in the 18th edition, and this rather bizarre statement (which always used to make me chuckle) is no longer mentioned.
This is not an 18th edition exam simulator. This is a re-badged 17th edition, amendment 2 (or 1) simulator. They've not updated the max Zs values from the changes 3 years ago once Cmin was incorporated, never mind the changes in terminology introduced in the 18th Edition (selectivity, rather than discrimination). I got 85%, without the book (or a calculator) but I died a little inside for each answer I clicked that I knew would get me the mark, which I knew was factually wrong.
I sat the real C&G 18th Edition exam today (with the book, and a calculator), and it's nothing like this. In a change from previous versions of this exam, the questions are in a random order, so you are jumping around the book a lot. The questions seem relatively-well written (in comparison to the 2382-12 and 2382-15, which I also took), though there is the odd typo still there ("conducive" rather than "conductive"!) but it didn't detract from the meaning. For many of the questions, all 4 answers are plausible. (I got 100%... subject, of course, to moderation by the awarding organisation.)
It's worth noting that other awarding organisations also offer the exam, and have slightly different criteria. For instance, you need a 75% pass rate overall (and at least 50% in each section) for the
Logic Certification version, but the questions are in order (so qu's 1-4 are from Part 1, qu's 5 and 6 are from Part 2 etc, like the C&G one used to be). And I think you get a free resit if you fail on your first attempt.
Hope the above is useful