Hi Peeps
Ive got my 2391 exam on Feb 10th. I was meant to sit in Dec but was snowed off.
Any tips for the exam?
One of the biggest failure reasons is not reading the question properly, not lack of knowledge, for example ive seen the earth fult path drawing by picasso but for the wrong system, highlight your info in the scenario, system,Ze,pfc etc and then write it in list form in the right hand margin, this will give you aquick reference when anwerinf questions, explain the tests in bullet form with at least one line spacing to allow something to be put in if missed, dont bang on about safe isolation procedures when the the question starts for example: an insulation test is to be carried out on a new ring final circuit BEFORE connection to the DB, it is not only a waste of your time but marks can also be deducted, if a question asks for a list of 3 reasons dont write a shopping list, if the corecct answers are not in the first three then they dont count, if a question stumps you move on, you will often find an answer in a further question, manage your time, I always recommend 1 hour max on the first 20