Why are we all touting stupid things, ISITEE is what it is PATesting is no more, the sooner the factories , super markets, large businesses etc realise this, then we can move on, In Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment, can't be simpler can it? In Service and Electrical Equipment. Power consuming Apparatus, things that consume Electricity, be it single or three phase, it's not fixed wiring, the wiring is there to supply equipment, so lets not call it PAT Testing any more, give it the correct title, perhaps then we wont get people asking questions about PAT testing. If companies, sole traders, bothered to get up to date information, and then decide to read the Latest CoP on ISITEE then we can move on, these larger organisations nee to appoint a Duty holder to organise their equipment, catergorise it, to stop chancers conning them,far to many people, claiming that they have PAT testing qualifications, asking dopey questions, and claiming to be Qualified Electricians.
The larger organisations need to appoint someone as an asset manager, send Him / Her on a course, not to pass a meaninglees exam, but to understand what needs to be done to iron this problem out once and for all, that is until the IET change things again.