im in similar situation..! left navy as a Electrical Mechanical Technician with no equivilent civvy quals in electrics other than Pat testing (2377)!! (i do have a recognised engineering apprentiship and mechanical NVQ from Navy!
i my self invested time and effort of 3 years to obtain
Site experience with a well know local housing association in durham (working for free)
a Level 3 Quailifcation in Electrical Installation
2391 inspection and testing
2356 NVQ 3
2382 17th edition
i also now hold HV authorised person status at my curent job and looking into doing the 2391 20 and HNC
i obtain all of them before leaving the Navy so i was lucky! i dont consider my self a 5 day wonder by any imagination but neither do i class my self as a time served sparky...! im an ex military Technician with a vast range of skills and ability's!! (how many 5 day wonders or Time served sparkys can say they used to be responsible for operating a self sufficient operation from Nuclear power generation and Diesel Power Generation to Electrical User and Maintainer!)
i have 3 phase experience including fault finding on motors, cabinets, distribution circuits and small power circuits! but i never bent conduit or chased walls out ever! do it make me less of a person than a fully time served spark who was abused as a apprentice by the plasterers and brickies!!
i don't hold contempt for sparks who did 4 weeks but i do get annoyed when they aim for things beyond there scale capability and tut and moan at every one else for telling them what exactly they are!
p.s my mate did a fast track course similar to rmaynard and he was ex Navy also working on Harriers so he also had a Engineering Apprenticship in aviation electrics/ mechnaics , he now works as a Maintenance Sparky for a FM company and is no way any diferent from time served spark!