it is a bit more complicated than that if you look at sinusidal wave and who voltage is derive you have maximum and minimum but your voltage at any point in time is derived from only one of your phase cable not two that is why its called single phase.
you can not have two phase supply because you always need one cable to act as a return part i.e. neutral
you can not have a load without a neutral part
Phase means supply or input not return or neutral although you can see two phase cable comming in but in reality only on is for supply the other is neutal
Trust me on this
you can not have two phase supply because you always need one cable to act as a return part i.e. neutral
you can not have a load without a neutral part
Phase means supply or input not return or neutral although you can see two phase cable comming in but in reality only on is for supply the other is neutal
Trust me on this