You posted this down at the dusty end of the forum where even the cleaners seldom go. Repost it in general and you'll get answersHmm...am a newbie (well, the newbies Girfriend trying to assist the actual newbie whilst he is at work - til daft o clock!))
You lot seem like a nice lively bunch with lots of know-how and we need to pick ur brains (I'm Natalie, by the way, Craigs Missus)...
After renovating the new house, we've been advised by a sparky friend of ours to look into an Electric Combi Boiler and we're wondering if, in the grand sheme of things, it will be beneficial for us to do so? As we're not sure the recommended KW / output etc and have never been recommended a certain brand...we're very open to ideas (our sparky mate knows little about the actual boilers themselves, apart from how much more economical they are supposed to be).
Feel free to extend this blog with questions back at us - as I am sure I may have posted it in the wrong place...and not even provided enough info for our questions to be answered....Hope you lot can advise further. Thanks folks)