But break the neutral wire that you’re holding’s connection with earth and you DO get a shock. The current flows back and forth to and from earth still, but this time through you rather than through the wire. That’s why ‘borrowed neutrals’ are dangerous. Most electricians have I’m sure been surprised at getting a belt off black wires occasionally (that dates me, I know) when working on installations where only one or two single pole fuses have been pulled, rather than a whole installation isolated.
The current is flowing from live, through some switched-on load somewhere and then to earth through you when you break two neutrals in, for example, a ceiling rose. It can be very annoying and cause you to fall off a step ladder. I know this.
A good analogy for AC is to think of it as water in pipes. Someone on here mentioned this in a thread on PV metering, and it was very helpful.
Imagine the current being a flow of liquid in a hosepipe. The generator is a push-pull pump at one end. Some poor bloke is employed to work the pump. He and the pump gets hot. That’s the inefficiency and losses in the generator plant.
The other end of the hose is in a huge swimming pool. You are in the pool. That’s the earth potential. You feel nothing.
Now fit a little turbine halfway along the pipe. It rotates as the water is pumped back and forth. Work is extracted. Bloke has to pump harder. That’s a load.
BTW, bigger-bore pipe, water moves easier, smaller pipe, harder to push a given amount of water through. When the pipe’s too small, only a dribble comes out from the end. That’s volt drop.
Bloke pumps faster, uses more energy and gets tired quicker, but more water flows. That’s high voltage.
You’re in the pool, you’re effectively holding the neutral wire. You feel nothing. Now cut the pipe and point it at your chest. Bloody hell, you’re knocked flat! You’ve just got a shock.
Does that make sense? It does to me but I just made it all up.
And another thing – the whole idea of ‘electrons’ as little lumps of stuff moving about is complete rubbish. It’s only a model of the quantum world that our little primate brains can use to try to get some kind of handle of how things work. I prefer to think about water, I know what that is.