Hello folks
Inhave my 18th Edition and Part P l, but I dont trade as a sparks.
I have a question about best practice for terminating SWA.
I am currently installing a connection to my new workshop. (I used to be STROMA registered years back, will likely reregister to sign off myself).
16mm 3 core SWA is already run in ducting underground, correctly trenched in. The run is 10m end to end on the SWA.
I am not using the armour as the CPC.
The workshop end is glanded straight intl the CU, and wil be earthed.
The supply end will go from the meter to a 2 pole isolator on 25mm tails, into a henley block, where it will split to my existing domestic CU and into a 60A fused switch, still on 25mm tails.
The fused switch does not have the correct knock outs for the SWA, and it is to tight anyway to bend the SWA into it.
At the moment the SWA is gland sits in the brick wall, and the three conductors go in the mechanical proeltection white sheath, through a plastic cable gland into the switched fuse. The house end gland on the SWA will also be earthed, despite not strictly being required. All the house end stuff is inside a meter cupboard.
Is it acceptable to leave the SWA gland sat like this?
The bends will be too tight if I try to force the SWA round to a box. I did think about putting a steel plate on the wall and mounting the gland to that?
Photos attached, not.finished yet as the earths are not in place, and neither is the henley block, cable clips etc but you can see what I mean. Note that the existing CU is not my work, neither is all.the builders foam etc. All I have added is the small workshop CU and the fused switch.
Advice, thoughts, and constructive criticism are welcome.