Specific statutory requirements in the Building Regulations for England and Wales which
this guide addresses are:
• The requirement to commission mechanical ventilation systems (where they
can be tested and adjusted) in accordance with an approved procedure, and
to provide a notice confirming that commissioning has been carried out to the
building control body not later than five days after the work has been completed
where a person has had to submit a building notice or full plans or, in other cases,
not later than 30 days after the completion of work.
• For mechanical ventilation systems in new dwellings only, the requirement
to measure air flow rates in accordance with an approved procedure, and to
provide a notice recording the results and the data on which they are based in an
approved manner to the building control body not later than five days after the
final test is carried out.
• The requirement to provide sufficient information about the ventilation system
and its maintenance requirements to owners or occupiers so that the ventilation
system can be operated to provide adequate air flow. This guide contains
recommendations on the range of information that could be given to dwelling
owners on completion to satisfy this requirement.