I work for the JIB, ask me anything!
okay.........im not going to get involved with this.
The JIB are a scam. They are no different to the scheme providers.
The OP should read his/her reply to me because it is rubbish and contridicts itself.
To NVQ 3 or not NVQ 3 that is the question.
I don't need any hassle today, I had enough of that yesterday.
Ok why are the JIB still using the 16th edition forms for grading, don't you think that it is a little supercilious to expect us to be 17th edition trianed, but you can't be bothered to update forms.
Why if your a gold card electrician for several years, and that person takes the 2391-10, does he still have to get a letter of support from either his employee or a sponsor. I had to sponser a guy that had done a JIB apprenticeship and the Part 1 and 2 which I believe was the old 236, and nearly 25 yrs in the industry, and you would only upgrade him with a letter from me.
so what does your site say about this then...
my Btec is a level 3 in electrical installation???
Please answer Durham's question
So you work for JIB and haven't got a clue?
Except that is totally wrong.JIB Grading Definitions - Electrician Grade
rather use the official stance rather than listen to a tinpot wannabee!!
Reply to the thread, titled "AMA Person who works at the JIB." which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.