Pretty sure electricians have managed to properly terminate connections for many years gone without the need for a torque driver.
Never seen any proteus kit so I would not know
Work issued me one and it's handy to have. It saves you wrenching the mcbs and causing them damage and it also saves fatigue on your hands by needlessly over tightening. The kits really good and easy to setup. Just watch 1mm connection as they might snap due to torque setting.
Once used never forgotten, biggest load of rubbish ever produced imo
Learning to tighten a screw properly will save you from damaging MCBs when you tighten them .
And if 1mm snaps due to the amount of torque applied then you are over tightening it
If your using the specified nm how's it your fault if the 1mm snaps?
Because you've over tightened it !
because the torque is the recommended max!!!! torque not what you should be hitting every time.If your using the specified nm how's it your fault if the 1mm snaps?
because the torque is the recommended max!!!! torque not what you should be hitting every time.
Read it again and you might understand!
I have read it and I do understand .
If you tighten a terminal to the point where the conductor snaps then you have over tightened it, what is there not to understand?
The brand specifies the nm that each connection should be tightened to. If they specify 2nm and this causes the 1mm to snap it's not your fault it's the brands. Get it?