For integrated / fixed appliances, having a fused switch spur can you then run t&e to a ko box behind the appliance and connect the flex to t&e via a terminal block? covering with a blanking plate.
And I always thought the plug top law came in to cut down on the number of badly connected and wrongly fused plug tops fitted by joe public
Don't agree that your method is cheaper, accessory costs I have looked at the FCU / FO are cheaper than your arrangement. Not all equipment is required to have plug tops fitted by law therefore adding the cost of a plug top and additional connection time increases the costs of your method. While you may feel it is poor design, without the full details of the installation and design reasoning it is difficult to say
Given the number of plugs and sockets in inaccessible places I have replaced due to overheating / burning over the years I think that hard wiring does have it's advantages and is a design plus. Given the reliability of appliances the gains / losses of each method are negligable and could be argued for a long time
For sure, hence why remove it, leaving the chance for a badly fitted plug-top/poorly wired installation to occur at a later date.
Plug top integral with appliance - no cost to installer
Connection of DP switch - time same as FCU
Connection of socket - less time than flex-out as it is one set of connections instead of two.
Crabtree FCU - £3.06
Crabtree DP Switch - £2.52
MK Flex Out - £3.42
MK 1 Gang switched socket - £1.94
These are without looking very hard - 30% reduction in cost already.
Please explain how the flex-out will help the overheating?
As stated in my post not ALL appliances are required to have fitted plug tops
Your time saving may be a couple of minutes at most
Don't understand why you are using different manufacturers accessories unless it is for cost justification
Crabtree flex outlet £1.77 a 50% reduction on your MK unit
Enlighten us as to how British Standards have got it so wrong for so long.Being an experienced spark you are probably aware of the poor design of the 13A socket outlet with it's square pins so do I really need to explain
It all adds up, especially over the lifetime of the installation
Like I said it was a quick search...however, I can get a flex outlet for £1.10, but I can also get a socket for £0.70...therefore same saving.
Enlighten us as to how British Standards have got it so wrong for so long.
Manufacturers of appliances fitted with moulded plug tops, generally state that removal of that plug will invalidate warranty.
What they actually mean is that their service guys are not qualified sparks.
Reply to the thread, titled "appliance flex to t&e" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.