Am I out of touch with modern trends? don't answer that if you can't be nice.
I see a lot of threads, enquiring about "how do I get an Apprenticeship" and "I'm an Adult Apprentice"
Have things changed? daft question really of course they have, with the onset of short courses etc, I'm not having a dig at short courses, honestly, I just cant understand, how Guys and Gals are searching pillar to post foe Apprenticeships.
There are those who will say "things have moved on Pete" but many of the larger Electrical Companies treat Apprenticeships as what they are, a commitment to someone who is willing to train, work for low wages for a period of time and eventually learn a trade, qualify properly, and become Electricians, you hear of people moving from one post to another for an Apprentice position.
Can someone please explain, to someone Old School, how the Apprentice thing works these days, because I'm lost.
I can understand people with commitments, trying the short course route, I don't personally like it but, it's the new wave I presume, I was indentured for 6 years, this must have changed, so will someone please explain to an on fart how it works these days, much appreciated in advance, just to ease my furrowed brow, and ease an Old timers worries. please.
I see a lot of threads, enquiring about "how do I get an Apprenticeship" and "I'm an Adult Apprentice"
Have things changed? daft question really of course they have, with the onset of short courses etc, I'm not having a dig at short courses, honestly, I just cant understand, how Guys and Gals are searching pillar to post foe Apprenticeships.
There are those who will say "things have moved on Pete" but many of the larger Electrical Companies treat Apprenticeships as what they are, a commitment to someone who is willing to train, work for low wages for a period of time and eventually learn a trade, qualify properly, and become Electricians, you hear of people moving from one post to another for an Apprentice position.
Can someone please explain, to someone Old School, how the Apprentice thing works these days, because I'm lost.
I can understand people with commitments, trying the short course route, I don't personally like it but, it's the new wave I presume, I was indentured for 6 years, this must have changed, so will someone please explain to an on fart how it works these days, much appreciated in advance, just to ease my furrowed brow, and ease an Old timers worries. please.