Another trick (as you probably know) is to do a search for "shopping sidekick" then with another search find there IP address and the exact name and add it to your Hosts file. Just change the (e.g) IP address to That's your own pc. So it searches (initially) for 123.45.6 IP address but your Hosts file says "Nah! It aint! Its!! Then shopping sidekick can never phone home. It phones your own pc.
In your Hosts file add: double space)Web site name(shopping sidekick) If you want to add a description after the name, do a space, then hash # and write your description (----y piece of crap!!). The hash (#) makes the host file not read further along that line.
Note that the Hosts file is read only to begin with so you need to remove that in the properties (r-click, at the bottom) window. Just make sure you make it read only again after editing.