View the thread, titled "average wage of a sparks in the current climate" which is posted in Business Related on Electricians Forums.

There ain't enough work for everyone, to many people and its a problem getting worse.

Companies encourage agencies, so I have two choices, either run adverts and try and get on the back of the one band man game or work for agencies, so at the moment I working for an agency for £14.50 an hour.

There ain't many agency jobs paying a lot more. The only way to make a stand is for everyone to put their tools down for a week and then just maybe then the people running the show and that's the Government might listen. But until then its a race to the bottom, because when people get desperate, they cut the cloth to fit to survive.

Oh come on Tony... You're far to strude a bloke; to believe that if people like you downed tools, then over people would do as well... No, they'd be straight on the dog to your employer looking to take over your work mate... Unfortunately, its dog eat dog know adays and to hell with the principles of the matter. This is why we're in a no win situation mate. Everyone is just out for themselves fella.
what ken says is well true there are probably a few forum members wanting to know who to phone for a start when you down tools
Then i wish you all luck. This time next year you might be offered £11.00 a hour if your lucky

now lets work out what you will get

deduct your tax and contributions
deduct your tools and running costs of calibrations and exams etc
deduct vehicle and costs

Most of the house keepers i know in london are on £15.00 a hour and they pay nothing other than travel . You did all that training to earn peanuts ?
It does seem there are many sparks out there, not getting paid what they are worth, after 3 years at college aswell as time on site learning hands on, i think the minimum we should be worth is £200 per day, afterall the work we do is very specialist and if not done correctly can potentially cause a fire or even death.
My mate passed his black cab knowledge on Monday, on his first day out on Wednesday after working 10 1/2 hours he came home with £320 in his pocket, Thursday he made £200 and friday he came back with £340 !! Its no wonder he is walking round with a permanent smile on his face, I almost feel like going and learning the knowledge myself !
Dazza don't even think about doing taxi-ing. Been there, done that and its worse than the electrics industry trust me. A lot of similaritys eg to many people doing it, prices staying the same but costs going up, no respect from customers for the job your doing. It's not as easy as you think.10 1/2 hours shift, that's part time mate and you would only just about cover your daily overheads with may be £30 to show for yourself. My running costs in Leeds were £450-£500 per week before I made a penny for myself. It would take me 4 days to do that amount and the rest of the week is all mine, just hope for a good weekend and then it starts all over again from Monday.

Back onto the op, I charge £20 ph + materials (20%) or what ever I can get from an employer atm, average wage up here is £10-£12 ph.
I know a few very experienced black cab drivers,
They are not making anything like those amounts. Far too many have to rent the cabs. then run them. To earn those amounts even before you pay tax is very very rare .

I also know a driver who did prestige car work over last christmas . Came away with £90 for 4 days work after they took all the costs and rents involved.

most people in life do a nice little "talk" about what they earn, but bottom line they will not be taking home as much .
Cheers Luke. Bit of a taxi driver saying. When someone says their making a fortune, have a look at the house they live in, the clothes they wear, the holidays they go on, the family car. Now tell me you make a grand a week, go and ........... (fill that bit in yourselves). Not only in taxi industry but on site when a sparky says he makes or charges xyz then he asks to use your sds because he dosent have one?
Cheers Luke. Bit of a taxi driver saying. When someone says their making a fortune, have a look at the house they live in, the clothes they wear, the holidays they go on, the family car. Now tell me you make a grand a week, go and ........... (fill that bit in yourselves). Not only in taxi industry but on site when a sparky says he makes or charges xyz then he asks to use your sds because he dosent have one?

i used to work with a guy like that paul. he said he was pulling a grand a week and yet when we went on re-wires on a weekend up in the north east he would turn out with only his irizolas and snips. he thought nothing of abusing our power tools though. mid 20`s no kids no tools a grand a week and always skint? he should have been writing books
most people in life do a nice little "talk" about what they earn, but bottom line they will not be taking home as much .[/QUOTE]

I worked with a spark who was 64 last year and he worked every hour under the sun and was always doing homers as well every week.But if you spoke to him he woul regale you with stories off making £2000 a week for years and all the different good paying jobs he has been on round the world.
My thoughts at the time were
! what are you still doing working
2 why are you doing homers if you don't need the money
3 why don't you run a car instead off pestering everyone for a lift
4 why do you live in an ex council house instead off a nice manison
5 why does your wife work full time
When I thought about it, you could tell that the money he said he had made was only a story.But I have met many older and younger sparks like this
In response to the taxi driving posts.I remember 15 years ago in Central Scotland a few sparks I worked with jacked in being sparks to work on the taxis they said the hours were better as you can choose what you work and if you did the Friday and Saturday nights you got a good wage.I met one off them at Christmas and he said he was trying to get back into the electrical trade as there was no momey in taxis and with the price off desiel and the costs off paying for the car and the meter you had to make about £550 a week to cover costs before you start making money.He also said there were too many taxis on the road now as the council are giving out more licences to anyone and everyone(creating more compition).And there was the private hire companies who were cheaper.He also stated that less people were getting a taxi now as the price off the fares has shot up and the amount off people going out at the weekend has fallen away quite a bit.
I know off two sparks in the last year who have tried the taxiing and are still at it but they say they are working 80 to ninety hours a week just to come out with £400
So the grass is not always greener or easyier
Oh come on Tony... You're far to strude a bloke; to believe that if people like you downed tools, then over people would do as well... No, they'd be straight on the dog to your employer looking to take over your work mate... Unfortunately, its dog eat dog know adays and to hell with the principles of the matter. This is why we're in a no win situation mate. Everyone is just out for themselves fella.

I know that Ken, but what else can I say. It must of been about 18 years ago when things were like they are now, a few of us were working on a shopping center which was coming to a finish, we were all asked to work the weekend at the normal hourly rate. We all agreed not to turn in, when I came in on the Monday, all of the others had worked the week end apart from me.

On another job, I watched a grown man almost burst out in tears and phone the bloke we were working for because I was sent down to a block of flats (in Abbey Road) but he wanted all the work to himself.

The same bloke had broken his arm but his wife used to drop him off to work with the son to give him to bend tube etc. Desperate times desperate measures and like I said a race to the bottom on the wage side of it.

On to the black cabbie subject, got an uncle who lives south of the water (Ken) he loves a pound note, not short of a few quid either. Straight through the tunnel and hes in the city. Said it getting really hard to get 200 a day now.

There's loads of people out there who do talk a load of crap about what they earn and what they won't get out of bed for. Most don't have a pot to ---- in, I always say the bank owns your house not you, wheres no bank owns anything I have.
Hello everybody:) if you get told about good earnings in the past by anybody over the age of, say 45, then most of the time its true, they did make good money back in the 1970's, 80's and 90's , however the ones that are skint now are skint for a reason, many landed pretty girlfriends back in the day before their back went wonky, they were young and crazy and went out partying with pretty girls, and those pretty girls had expensive tastes, and a bank account they wanted filling, and they knew where to get the cash, as we all know, if youre flush and a pretty woman takes your fancy, you will probably splash the cash, pay their mortgage, buy them a nice second hand car etc, unless when youre not looking your Gaffer at work puts bromide in your tea, and you put all your money into a 10 year trust...
Then theres the fact that back in the 1980's and 1990's a lot of the sparkies and other construction workers went mental and travelled all over the world seeing the sites, drinking the drink and spending the cash, you know just taking 4 months off for the summer and heading to the airport.... and along came a wife and 3 to get out of the 17th floor asbestos ridden damp flat with junkies outside.....thats the next 20 years wages pratted....thats Kim and Craig got into Uni, dont want to be sparks like their dad...."no son/daughter of mine is getting into student loan debt, not after I have worked so hard all those years, I wont allow it"...ok so thats 3 and a half grand a year, even in Scotland, as in Scotland that just gets added to the student loan debt...just for the fees, and 5 grand a year for student halls for the first year until they get settled, then books and a laptop, say another 2 grand, they'll need a wee car, thats 4 grand, and another thousand pounds to insure it every year, maybe 6 grand just to buy food, 40 pounds a month for a mobile contract, and they will go over the minutes so you will get billed.....student posessions insurance, another 120 pounds a year, they will need a pile of new clothes to go away to Uni, another 1000 pounds, then they will need clothes and shoes throughout the year, and petrol money, another say, 80 pounds a week........they will get a part time job in a bar, but that will only pay 5.79 an hour minimum wage, granted there wont be any tax on their small wages as students only pay £2 a week National insurance stamp, so they keep the rest...but they will spend that all on drink or saving for a summer time Holiday with their Uni friends....
So the next time an older guy says "ah the good old days" he's just remembering when he was your age and things were much better, you dont need to say "Hey old timer"....."Hey Gringo....yeah you mr I used to be a bank manager"...."dees is rubbish yo talkin".....because he is probably only working to pay for his children, or even Grand children to go through Uinversity......
It's great when youre young like us, not a care in the world, have this woman, have that car, go to that place on Holiday.....oo oo have that woman there too, that one in the Bar in Spain.... and its not until we have a girlfriend for a little longer than the last one, all our buddies are married "for some strange reason" and then the girlfriend starts crying for no reason one day...."I ve got hoo haa hoo umm hoo...." (thinks to self oh crap) Iyaeeemhhh pregggnnaaaahhant"(face gone red, crying a waterfall) and thats you will be skint as well, unless you are really good at managing your work situation/workload....

motorbike-Gone, Family saloon 12k.
private let flat,which costs a thousand pounds a month-Gone, time for a house with a little garden, £1300 a month for the next 22 years, plus a £60,000 deposit and a £3000 bank admin charge, that you will need to see mum and dad for..
The girlfriend (wife now) she has to stop working to take care of the little one, so thats a wage down...

17 years pass by, been paying extra into mortgage so its in its last year of payments, and time for University...youre pleased as punch...thats a lot of money that you need to put out for the next 3 years but your boy is going to be a teacher....woo hoo...

Uni finished, boy all grown up and met a nice lady, working as a teacher, grandchildren on the way....youre sitting there in your chair at the bar rolling a cigarette, pint at side....happy old man,speaking to your old buddies who have all retired, youre still working 3 days a week as a sparky.... and Ayyyeay ayhyhaiaaiiiy (clutches chest) clatter, down goes the stool, on floor curled up flashes before you(remembers good old days and all friends and family) ukkkkuhhhh .......drools....dead

If you find out that youre going to be a dad, make sure you start a trust fund for the wee one straight away while they are still a barely noticable bump, so that they can go to uni when they are 18, the best thing to do is to start a trust fund that matures and pays out at their 18th birthday, start another small one beside that that will mature at 21, just to make sure and it will help with a flat/house deposit when they finish uni, as well as maybe a gap year...
Get yourself set up with some kind of savings plan(be very very careful and check everything out 3 times first) that you can cash in the summer before the kids go to uni, so that you can take them on a nice big holiday abroad as a reward for being good, and these trust funds/savings accounts taken out now will mean that you can eventually retire, and that you will be slightly minted by the time the kids are grown up, instead of working to the very end...

thats just my :)2c

Did you type that all out or copy and paste it from somewhere ? !!! No wonder so many men are going gay !!

I have a few clients that are big Names in the City . These people really know their --- from their elbow. I was doing a Sat morning Job for one and he said "lets get a coffee " so we dived out to some rather pretentious Coffee place. He started to ask me about my finances . Now i like this guy and trust him. SO i knew i was getting the benefit of his knowledge . His advice was "Stuff" the saving idea for kids etc it will never work. I am 48 and my son is 15 months ! He thinks most people have no idea of private pensions and how little they will produce in "real terms" . Unless i save £600 min a month i might as well forget it.
This Next dip we are heading for is REAL. So real it will scare the death out of many of us.

I plan to leave the Uk when i retire as i know by that time the streets will be full of homeless pensioners.

I have never trusted banks nor private pension plans. I expect many of these Pension pots to be Robbed .

AS for buying a house !! No way, the rent i pay is fine and i have 0% risk. Most i know are only paying interest only so same as me RENTING ! difference is their house have dropped in value .

Its a mess.. I really feel for pensioners now. The school kids have little hope as the whole education system is set to just achieve exam results rather than a proper education etc . Everyone is over qualified etc !

And i feel "EUROPE" is about to lay down some serious new rules about trades that will cause havoc .

Bloody hell...... I am sounding sad !
Remember, with the way the economy is going now, and all the greedy Banks and business corporations/taxes out there, it might take 10 or 12 years for things to sort themselves out, and prices certainly wont be going back down, putting a bit aside for the kids future is a good idea, or it will end up that you will be broke, they wont get into Uni as they wont be able to prove sufficient icome stream (thats the way its going, they have already started asking how much money you have at interviews to get Uni places now) and the kids wont even be able to pay the fees to do an online course in sewing and beadwork...

Reply to the thread, titled "average wage of a sparks in the current climate" which is posted in Business Related on Electricians Forums.

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