while testing a DB in a primary school today, i found all the conductors within the DB coated in a black sticky, tar-like goo. see attached photos. im assuming its the conductors overheating and the insulation melting. can anyone confirm this. If that is the case, i can't understand it. there are no significant heat sources nearby apart from a stage lighting DB below, which i switched on with all the spotlights on full and left it all day to see if it produced any heat, which it didnt.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
cheers guys

while testing a DB in a primary school today, i found all the conductors within the DB coated in a black sticky, tar-like goo. see attached photos. im assuming its the conductors overheating and the insulation melting. can anyone confirm this. If that is the case, i can't understand it. there are no significant heat sources nearby apart from a stage lighting DB below, which i switched on with all the spotlights on full and left it all day to see if it produced any heat, which it didnt.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
cheers guys