A related personal experience from not too many years ago.
I arrived at an oilfield in Libya. Sahara desert and all that.
Meet and greet on the first afternoon/evening.
Went to get in the shower and tripped over a bit of carpet, smacked my head on the hasp of a lock, got cut and possibly concussed.
Woke up a bit later, carried on with the shower and washed off the blood.
Next morning I was advised to see the site doctor - fortunately they had one.
He tested my reflexes and, presumably satisfied with the result although he threatened to send me home stitched up the gash. Fifteen stitches and no anesthetic so it was a wee bit uncomfortable. I was given a baseball cap to wear which covered the nasty looking wound. And back to work. Lost an hour tops.
Communications back home were difficult but I did let my wife know that I'd had a wee mishap.
Ten days later I got back home, still with the baseball cap on my head. Of course she took it off, looked at the injury, and got a bit miffed.
She looked at the stitches.
"Call him a doctor? I wouldn't give him a job as a tailor!"
As I said in another post, she'd had experience in the medical field.
It was time and she removed the stitches there and then. A bit of hydrogen peroxide to sterilise it.
It has healed up almost to the point of being invisible.