I'm pretty sure without your extensive research over the last few hours you would have struggled to answer these questions.
Well the Ze I knew from memory, as with the RCD disconnection times (as these matter in my other work too, although the permitted values are considerably different for circuits over 32A, and are tested reasonably regularly to ensure they are working correctly)
The prevention of spread of fire is pretty much common sense - it applies to making holes in walls in general, not just electrical work, and being regularly working in buildings where we have small doors in walls to pass cables through from stage to front of house which are then stuffed with 'fire bags' after it's a concept I'm familiar with.
However - you make a good point without research you're right I probably wouldn't be be able to answer them, and they're not fresh in my mind - but the point being I *did* undertake pretty extensive research and referred to the regs and the OSG as I went along at the time.