If you have bought these systems and are testing the results before selling them to the public then fair play to you.
I did that with solar thermal and PV. Did you or the solar king?
By your own admission time will only tell what the performance of thermodynamics will be in the winter time. You also agree that couldn't get the information you needed to see if the claims stack up.
In the early days you couldn't get information on how solar thermal or pv would work either it didn't stop us driving the industry forward. From experience I can now tell my customers that both are next to useless in the winter because they are next to useless and don't work at night. The thermodynamic system certainly seems to.
If however you have done what many others have done and sold these systems with promises of savings and RHI payments then that is that you need to defend
If, and when I'm happy that the system does work and the economics make sense then I won't have any problem selling it providing I'm convinced.