You keep promoting these gospels according to the CPS's in such a way that you must be getting commission on sales
You have guides that are produced by 2 organisations which over recent years it has become quite clear that they are vying with each other to be top dog it is a pity they don't put as much effort into raising the standards of training from the gutter level they have pushed the industry into
Couldn't agree more - I think that NICEIC particularly acted shamefully when they (AFAIR) single-handedly invented the 5DW DI category.
Consider the
official position of the schemes. And the
official version of the back-story.
When the government sought to improve the safety of electrical installation work in the home, they brought it within the scope of the Building Regulations. In order for that to be workable they decreed that electricians who were deemed to be competent to do so could self-certify their work as compliant.
They turned to organisations such as the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting and the National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers to run schemes for assessing the competence of electricians, and had
their operations and competence verified by the government appointed United Kingdom Accreditation Service.
There is zero chance that any court, or arbitration service, is going to take any notice of an electrician, no matter how qualified, skilled, and experienced, going on about how these schemes have pushed the industry into the gutter. If the issue at stake is how the electrician coded a contravention of the Wiring Regulations they are going to question why he disregarded the advice of NICEIC/NAPIT/whoever contained in their best practice guide(s).
The wiring regs lay down the standards an installation must meet to be compliant supported by the onsite guide how difficult is it to make that decision when it comes to coding a non-compliances that you have to pick up yet another publication where the authors / contributors can't all agree when you speak to some of them on the correct coding of some issues
It's not so much the
difficulty of deciding on a code which is the problem, although I'm sure that there are instances where even skilled and experienced people look at something and can't decide if it's obviously a C2 vs C3, it's consistency and predictability.
When the legal status of a tenancy, and a landlord's livelihood are at stake it is not right that they should hinge on whether he had Tom or Dick produce the report.
With a book that lists a generic faults and coding solutions what do you do when none of the generic faults matches what you have found if the NAPIT / NICEIC publications differ where do you go for the casting vote
As I said - it is not satisfactory that different guides give different advice.
While industries have best practices the electrical industry mandarins have chosen to totally ignore a number of best practices within the industry to the extent we now have a shambles of an industry driven by money and petty bickering and not by standards
Yes, but....
I don't need to think about but may be you do if you think BS7671 is a best practice guide , BS7671 is an industry ACOP's currently supported by a set of guidance notes that has been around in many different editions for many years
If you want to dance on the head of the "
best practice guide" vs "
approved code of practice" pin of terminology then go ahead, but I'm not going to partner you.
Why have the IET not published any guidance on coding or do they consider it is already out there in the publications they have produced
You'd have to ask them why they don't have it in GN3.