Can Anyone Help Napit? | on ElectriciansForums

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Jul 16, 2024
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Hiya mate.

What's your aim here with this thread?

PM me your real name and address please if you're going to risk the forum some legal action, that's fine as long as I agree with the aim.

I'll open up the floor to all members if you want to give some input about this thread? I don't mind at all.

As I'm not a spark I'm wondering whether you can understand this.

Is there a problem with whatever Tipan is?
Hiya mate.

What's your aim here with this thread?

PM me your real name and address please if you're going to risk the forum some legal action, that's fine as long as I agree with the aim.

I'll open up the floor to all members if you want to give some input about this thread? I don't mind at all.

As I'm not a spark I'm wondering whether you can understand this.

Is there a problem with whatever Tipan is?

Took me a little while to figure it out, but I think Tipan is an attempt at trying to avoid legal problems.... how do you spell the target of his frustration backwards :)
Hiya mate.

What's your aim here with this thread?

PM me your real name and address please if you're going to risk the forum some legal action, that's fine as long as I agree with the aim.

I'll open up the floor to all members if you want to give some input about this thread? I don't mind at all.

As I'm not a spark I'm wondering whether you can understand this.

Is there a problem with whatever Tipan is?
Tipan is Napit. I’m verified on LinkedIn formally [address removed thank you]

It is a genuine question to help Napit who are being investigated by UKAS
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As a former NAPIT member, I read one of the articles on LinkedIn and I found it hard going so I gave up... but to me it didn't come across as being supportive of NAPIT, I got the impression that it was aiming to be quite the opposite and seemed to me to be quite ciritcal (hence my comment in my post above about them being the target of your frustration).

That was just one article, but in my considered opinion, if you are genuinely seeking information you believe would benefit them then you should simply lay out why they are being investigated and what information you believe would assist them in a single easy to read, easy to follow post. I for one don't have time to read (I think it was 9 you had on LinkedIn) articles to try and get my head round what's going on.
  • Agree
Reactions: Dan
Thanks for address and stuff. I'll stay out of the discussion as I'm not a spark but I will help moderate it.

I don't mind the thread, but please make sure you backup your claims and stuff as it will be on their radar soon if not already.
All the claims are on LinkedIn. The Chief Operating Officer in question has resigned 10 Weeks into a investigation by UKAS im not sure if it a coincidence but I’m sure I wont be at the other end of legal action upon its completion 😁
  • Informative
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As a former NAPIT member, I read one of the articles on LinkedIn and I found it hard going so I gave up... but to me it didn't come across as being supportive of NAPIT, I got the impression that it was aiming to be quite the opposite and seemed to me to be quite ciritcal (hence my comment in my post above about them being the target of your frustration).

That was just one article, but in my considered opinion, if you are genuinely seeking information you believe would benefit them then you should simply lay out why they are being investigated and what information you believe would assist them in a single easy to read, easy to follow post. I for one don't have time to read (I think it was 9 you had on LinkedIn) articles to try and get my head round what's going on.
The Tales Of Tipan is a first person experience you can take to become under investigation.
Having just spent some time reading the various articles, I'm going to be blunt... none of them come across to me as being pro-NAPIT, in fact I would say quite the opposite.

If you are truly pro-NAPIT and are genuinely looking to gather information that can help them I would say you are going to fail because unless I'm misunderstanding things, every article seems to be trying to paint them in a negative light that implies they are quite happy to take money from members and then stitch them up during complaints processing. At least that's how it's coming across to me.

So, which is it? And how exactly do you fit into this situation?

The other thing I'm going to re-iterate is this... the majority of people on this site who will most likely be in a position to assist are all busy people. We have our own businesses, jobs etc. and if it takes longer than 10 minutes to get the complete picture there is a good chance most of us will stop reading regardless of how worthy the cause is.

For this to work you need to condense it into a 10 minute read (with links out to other documents, articles, sites etc.) that is clear, spells out the key points (why they are being investigated being the key one and the kind of information you think will assist) and provides information about how people can assist. You should, in the interests of transparency, make your position clear... are you in support of NAPIT, are you someone who is being investigated and why (I appreciate this could be tricky if you are as there may be clauses in the agreements between you and NAPIT - I can't remember reading them in that much detail to be fair)?
Having just spent some time reading the various articles, I'm going to be blunt... none of them come across to me as being pro-NAPIT, in fact I would say quite the opposite.

If you are truly pro-NAPIT and are genuinely looking to gather information that can help them I would say you are going to fail because unless I'm misunderstanding things, every article seems to be trying to paint them in a negative light that implies they are quite happy to take money from members and then stitch them up during complaints processing. At least that's how it's coming across to me.

So, which is it? And how exactly do you fit into this situation?

The other thing I'm going to re-iterate is this... the majority of people on this site who will most likely be in a position to assist are all busy people. We have our own businesses, jobs etc. and if it takes longer than 10 minutes to get the complete picture there is a good chance most of us will stop reading regardless of how worthy the cause is.

For this to work you need to condense it into a 10 minute read (with links out to other documents, articles, sites etc.) that is clear, spells out the key points (why they are being investigated being the key one and the kind of information you think will assist) and provides information about how people can assist. You should, in the interests of transparency, make your position clear... are you in support of NAPIT, are you someone who is being investigated and why (I appreciate this could be tricky if you are as there may be clauses in the agreements between you and NAPIT - I can't remember reading them in that much detail to be fair)?
I was a member of Napit prior to suspension back in October 2023.

In April 2024, following on from the end of their complaints process, UKAS who are Napit's Accredited Body are undergoing a 12 Week Investigation and we around 10 week.

Napit are accredited under ISO 17065 & ISO19001 Standards.

- A.6.2, the certification body must gather sufficient objective evidence to support a certification decision.

The now-ex, Cheif Operating Officer, gave the following statement for basis of a non-compiance, which would allow suspension of membershi, however gave no objective evidence to do so.

"The element of this which directly relates to the finding of noncompliance is that any completed work (e.g. energised circuits) should be tested and certified irrespective of payment."

Mr David Cowburn who is at the centre of the investigation has now resigned, Napit & Mr Cowburn have not, and a will not, provide objective evidence as a basis for his original statement.

If they cannot provide objective evidence this will leave them open to sanctions from UKAS, which could lead to them being suspended or even withdrawn.

While i am certainly in a dispute with Napit, my aim of seeking objective evidence is not bias at and would confirm for them their decision was correct.

I have presented their statement, which should already been objectively evidenced. I am of the belief it cannot, which is why i am seeking the answer they cannot provide, and this is not even taking into account many the tales of tipan event getting here.

For example i have enquired -

"I have tried contacting Mr Cowburn outside of Napit to gather the objective evidence in relation to his statement however, no response. We require confirmation of Napit's position regarding statements made and their authenticity, objective evidence is based on real facts and not personal beliefs.

Can Napit reference s BS7671 regulation to show the requirement for objective evidence has been met / evidences non-compliance.

" The element of this which directly relates to the finding of noncompliance is that any completed work (e.g. energised circuits) should be tested and certified irrespective of payment"

Napit have tried to to apply 644.1 during the process and stated "any energised circuit in all circumstances is completed work and requires certification" regardless of if its part of a larger installation.

Napit attempted to unlawfully end my contract with the client, so in any case it could not be considered a competed installation.

For example they cannot answer such questions -

As David Cowburn specified Completed Work, can Napit clarify if they believe the work is complete, or in progress and give reason for their decision.

Completed Work: means invoices related to the work completed have been submitted and paid. This means the work is completed in full and the contractors have all submitted invoices and are paid for that work.

In progress work: means the project is still underway, but some of the work has been completed and invoiced.

Source:Completed Work Definition | Law Insider -,has%20been%20completed%20and%20invoiced.

Relevant Term To Consider / How did Napit Determine Non Compliance

The work is incomplete and/or the installer has not been paidIf work is incomplete it is often difficult to judge whether compliance would be achieved if the installer continued to completion. If work has halted due to non-payment it is not possible for TIPAN to monitor the progress towards compliance. If you cannot resolve a payment dispute we would suggest seeking an Alternative Dispute Resolution approach.


As a Napit member this thread briefly piqued my interest. But 'briefly' is the key word.
The couple of Linked In articles I clicked on are poorly written in an intriguing way by someone who clearly has an agenda but isn't willing to say what it is. They are also terrible articles by any standard; they have no introduction or context and just contain abstract paragraphs that look as if they are lifted from a Radio 4 play.
SC has already nailed it : if you can't set out clearly who you are, how you are involved, and what is actually going on then I'm not wasting my time here.
As a Napit member this thread briefly piqued my interest. But 'briefly' is the key word.
The couple of Linked In articles I clicked on are poorly written in an intriguing way by someone who clearly has an agenda but isn't willing to say what it is. They are also terrible articles by any standard; they have no introduction or context and just contain abstract paragraphs that look as if they are lifted from a Radio 4 play.
SC has already nailed it : if you can't set out clearly who you are, how you are involved, and what is actually going on then I'm not wasting my time here.
See my previous response.

The articles are in a way that should give rise to Napit responding however they will not which says alot.

The details within the article are VERY similar to extracts within formal documents themselves which i do have.

If you are with Napit then i suggest you take look at "the Disclosure Of Payment Terms"
There appears to be a large chunk of information missing here not least how NAPIT became involved prior to the suspension I think there is more to this than is being said for it to be elevated to the level it seems to be at
So from that post, I've gathered this... someone appears to have complained about you because you've not issued a certificate for completed works that you have invoiced them for. Is that correct?

If that's the case, I'd say they are completely within their rights because for you to be invoicing for completed works, the works need to comply with BS 7671, the lack of certification is, in my considered opinion, sufficient reason for them to refuse to pay because you have not completed your part of the contract and provided an installation that is fully compliant with BS 7671 (you're in breach of 644.1 by not issuing the required paperwork).

This subject crops up on here from time to time and opinions vary. Some people think it's OK to withhold the certificates until payment is received, I've always argued (and will continue to do so) that not providing any paperwork prior to the final invoice is a sure fire way to end up with this kind of situation because if the person ordering the works is at all familiar with the regs, it's self evident you're not in compliance because you've not issued the required paperwork and thus the job is technically not complete. Where I have had concerns about the client paying, I have issued draft certificates in the past with the clear statement that the final certificate will be issued on receipt of the final payment. This has never caused me an issue (then again, I've never had anyone refuse to pay me at that point).

Do I think you should have been suspended for this kind of complaint? Probably not as I've seen much better reasons to suspend a member from a scheme (i.e. terrible workmanship, non-compliances that raise safety concerns etc.), unfortunately they aren't interested in hearing about these from people outside the contract (i.e. a third party) which has resulted in them going nowhere because the client hasn't wanted to rock the boat. That being said, we do only have your side of the story and as such it's difficult to make a truly objective assessment of the situation, but based on the information you've presented in the post above, I would stand by what I've said... if you've not provided paperwork as outlined in 644 with or ahead of the final invoice then you're in breach and the works are non-compliant because technically they aren't finished and as such you've left yourself open to this. I've often thought whenever this subject has arisen here that it will just be a matter of time before someone falls foul of it and it could be that in this case you're the first of many.
The articles are in a way that should give rise to Napit responding however they will not which says alot.
Any company especially one of their size will think very carefully before commenting to anything on social media, which linked-in effectively is.
"No comment" will be the default position. The articles are so confusing that I doubt Napit would even interpret them as allegations.

If you are with Napit then i suggest you take look at "the Disclosure Of Payment Terms"
I honestly have no interest. I have simple expectations of Napit. I pay them (too much) money annually and notification fees.
I get to play by the rules, notify work and keep my slate clean. They come and have tea and biscuits with me once a year and check I've been a good boy. And that's pretty much where my interest ends.

You might facilitate a better discussion by stating in a simple paragraph what the actual gripe is, according to you or anyone else.
At the moment it's like watching the end of a bad movie with the sound off and subtitles written by a journalist who trained at The Sun.
I'd start another thread with a more clear and concise description of what has happened. As people have said above, it is very unclear currently, and we are having to fill in the gaps ourselves.

The articles on LinkedIn In do not help at all - it is difficult to work out what is going on and who has done what. They are very haphazard.
So from that post, I've gathered this... someone appears to have complained about you because you've not issued a certificate for completed works that you have invoiced them for. Is that correct?

If that's the case, I'd say they are completely within their rights because for you to be invoicing for completed works, the works need to comply with BS 7671, the lack of certification is, in my considered opinion, sufficient reason for them to refuse to pay because you have not completed your part of the contract and provided an installation that is fully compliant with BS 7671 (you're in breach of 644.1 by not issuing the required paperwork).

This subject crops up on here from time to time and opinions vary. Some people think it's OK to withhold the certificates until payment is received, I've always argued (and will continue to do so) that not providing any paperwork prior to the final invoice is a sure fire way to end up with this kind of situation because if the person ordering the works is at all familiar with the regs, it's self evident you're not in compliance because you've not issued the required paperwork and thus the job is technically not complete. Where I have had concerns about the client paying, I have issued draft certificates in the past with the clear statement that the final certificate will be issued on receipt of the final payment. This has never caused me an issue (then again, I've never had anyone refuse to pay me at that point).

Do I think you should have been suspended for this kind of complaint? Probably not as I've seen much better reasons to suspend a member from a scheme (i.e. terrible workmanship, non-compliances that raise safety concerns etc.), unfortunately they aren't interested in hearing about these from people outside the contract (i.e. a third party) which has resulted in them going nowhere because the client hasn't wanted to rock the boat. That being said, we do only have your side of the story and as such it's difficult to make a truly objective assessment of the situation, but based on the information you've presented in the post above, I would stand by what I've said... if you've not provided paperwork as outlined in 644 with or ahead of the final invoice then you're in breach and the works are non-compliant because technically they aren't finished and as such you've left yourself open to this. I've often thought whenever this subject has arisen here that it will just be a matter of time before someone falls foul of it and it could be that in this case you're the first of many.
If you read The Complicit Tipan it would have saved you the time writing this.
Why are you contacting the ex COO when your dispute is with NAPIT?
Whilst he was acting on behalf of NAPIT whilst employed by them why do you think he would respond to you when he probably only has an obligation to respond to his ex employer.
I don't know whether I missed post #10, or it was awaiting moderation but I'd suggest that it would be a quite good basis for a new thread, in the first instance saying bit more about what actually happened and a bit less about what Napit should have done differently (that can follow in due course) .
I'd include details of whether you have test results prior to it being energised (whether or not you provided it to the customer) and
how the installation come to be energised if it was incomplete.
You can't expect support and advice regarding your position without telling us (your side of) the whole story.
I'd start another thread with a more clear and concise description of what has happened. As people have said above, it is very unclear currently, and we are having to fill in the gaps ourselves.

The articles on LinkedIn In do not help at all - it is difficult to work out what is going on and who has done what. They are very haphazard.

I don't know whether I missed post #10, or it was awaiting moderation but I'd suggest that it would be a quite good basis for a new thread, in the first instance saying bit more about what actually happened and a bit less about what Napit should have done differently (that can follow in due course) .
I'd include details of whether you have test results prior to it being energised (whether or not you provided it to the customer) and
how the installation come to be energised if it was incomplete.
You can't expect support and advice regarding your position without telling us (your side of) the whole story.
I have not asked for support. Everyone has BS7671 and the statement he made. I am asking if this objective evidence can be found within BS7671.

“evidence that is not subject to bias and is quantifiable and able to be independently confirmed and verified by using analytical or other tools.” “ Simply put, objective evidence is based on facts and is the kind of evidence that can be independently examined”
Why are you contacting the ex COO when your dispute is with NAPIT?
Whilst he was acting on behalf of NAPIT whilst employed by them why do you think he would respond to you when he probably only has an obligation to respond to his ex employer.
That is Tale for another time
I am using my phone to access this website with half the screen being an ad. It is not easy to use so I apologise if the replies are not as informative as you like.
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