Well mate you have a 3 phase supply so you put the 2 heaters on a phase each so there is 8/9 amps there you have a couple of smallish 3 phase lathes/ drilling machines so what would you say 9/12 amps spread over your 3 phases that make 3/4 per phase so your worse case will be 15amps per phase.
The cabins are coming pre installed, I'm going to check with the supplier today but you can bet there is only one ring main. If 5 kids are all using heat guns at the time then thats 30 amps pulled through one phase staraight away. :0(
I'll get hold of the tech department and ask them for a list of machines that will be used at the same time to try and get an accurate Ib as unless I'm missing something, I'm still struggling to get my Voltdrop acceptable using 10 or even 16mm over 150m
Thanks for the help.e
The rest of the load will go on the other phase lights, smallish hand tools etc, former so you may have a load of 15/17 amps per phase.
You could get away with 10mm especially if your being generous and the run is less that the 150 you think it is.
The cabins are coming pre installed so I'll bet they only have 1 ring main. If 5 kids are using heat guns then that 30amps through one phase straight away. I'll call the cabin company today and find out.
I'll also get hold of technology and ask what will be used at the same time as if I calculate with 10 or even 16mm over 150m with 32a Ib I'm still struggling to get an acceptable vd. (unless I'm missing something)
Again, thanks for your help
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