I think this profession has been squeezed just the same as every other - teachers are just glorified babysitters, medics face abuse from the people they're trying to treat for self-inflicted injuries, nobody has any respect for the police, everyone thinks they're an electrician, customers want everything for nothing and trades/traders should be grateful for the privilege of being fleeced otherwise complaints will be made.
Added to that a lot of professions have been dumbed down to the point that anyone can walk in from the jobcentre and do them with no previous experience (although experience is nearly always apparently essential). Sales, finance, telecoms... All of them nowadays seem to involve being paid minimum wage to sit in front of a computer and getting an earbashing from a customer in one ear and an earbashing in the other from the kid who's been there the longest and been made 'supervisor'.
Personally I think I'm going to stick it out - it may not be as good as it used to be, but you can still work 'normal' hours on a site or in a factory and have a bit of a laugh.
If I could wave a magic wand I'd probably be a train driver - a well paid, unionised job driving around in a train with nobody to bother me apart from the occasional suicidalist. If only everyone else hadn't already got the same idea...