All I ask is that installations booked prior to the announcement (as in deposits registered with REAL) are eligible for the higher rate regardless of the installation date. We have an order book that will take until mid February to complete, we are training new installers all the time and would be bringing them forward but we can't get everyone installed by 8th December by any means.
I have written to Virginia Graham at REAL asking her to lobby for this. I guess there are plenty of you honest, established installers who like us have a very large order book and are unwilling to rush an installation. This small amendment will enable us to serve our customers in the manner which they rightly expect.
I don't mind the 21p, the slow down would be appreciated to be honest, we've always planned for the slowdown next April, bringing it forward does threaten us but I think we would survive if it happened. I'd get rid of the 3 registered apprentices (so much for the government's plans for young people), I'd lay off a couple of roofers and not hire the extra electrician that I'm currently advertising for.
If they slash into the rate and bring forward the date then the damage to consumer confidence in renewable subsidies would be shattered. A new rate in April as originally planned is fine by me but the 8th December is just rubbish.
I guess it's all just to make us feel better about what they announce on Monday but creating panic in the industry won't help anyone. Who voted these clowns in anyway?......oh yeah, nobody, it's a coalition of second and third place election losers!!!!! Public schoolboy twits playing with our lives, remember the same bunch have the keys to the nuclear bombs!