Here I would query the "long duration" of a small overload. MCB curves allow for trip times from about an hour all the way down to the 10ms or so magnetic trip time.
To me a long duration is then something lasting longer than an hour that won't trip the MCB but is above the ratings. For any sane use of a shower I doubt it would be on for more then 30 minutes once or twice a day, so unless you already see signs of thermal stress, I would say C3 as poor design but not ever likely to be running for more than the max design trip-time of a MCB.
We allow diversity on cookers for rating the cable and MCB on a similar basis, it is in that region of overload only for several minute but below the MCB's thermal time-curve until the thermostats start cycling and the cooker demand drops down.
Had it been something like an immersion heater that could well be on for hours at a time then I would think it merits C2.