Firstly I'd like to apologise, I posted some misleading info, sorry!
MarkC you are completely correct. I always put inverters on RCD protected circuits a a matter of course, additional protection is becoming standard and that's how I work. I glanced through the DTI guide looking for confirmation that my methods were regulations rather than just my own practice and saw RCD and thought bingo. The Inverter doesn't need to be on an RCD protected circuit if the cables are surface mounted etc.
My preferred practice is to install a second DB cut into the main tails where I have an RCD main switch and a 16amp breaker. By doing this I don't need to go into an existing DB, many of which are old and ugly. Additionally it procides a clear and simple solution for customers like Brummygit who can then clamp an energy monitor onto the tails to the 'Consumer Unit' and if they want to another to the tails of the 'Generation Unit'.
Again it's a matter of personal preference but I think it's less than ideal to send electricity in two directions in one consumer unit. I know we have the stickers and it's common practice but I didn't yet meet an electrician who wasn't surprised when he first heard that you simply feed into an MCB in the main CU.
Given the cost cost of a PV system I think that if space permits that a separate generation DB is best practice and that's how I try to do my installs.