Just renewed my NICEIC membership for the 3rd year £475.00 and insurance next week is due then the usual coffee and scone with the onsite assessment and another year battling against the rogues ! What a crock ! my JIB card says im competent and it also costs us £475.00 and an onsite to prove we are so why not have a loophole where we can take our JIB cards to the LABC and insurance and this enables us to bypass the schemes and satisfys LABC were competent enough to do the stinking job we've qualified for and doing for years ?
Part p grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
In Scotland if you are not registered then "some" local authorities will accept test sheets with a colour copy front and back of your SJIB card along with a copy a a current calibration certificate now you may say thats not right but here is the rub as an electrician you are not legally obliged to "register" with a scheme it is only a recomendation but some LAs are saying you must be registered where others are hedging their bets as they are no doubt aware because it is not an legal obligation to be registered they in fact could be taken to court for not allowing an individual to conduct his or her free trade . Remember if legally you had to be registered then you would not get insured and as I have said for years the starting point for us electricians is the JIB or SJIB I do not know about England but here as far as I am concerned we are all SJIB registered they hold information on how long you have had your card and qualifications, etc so why the hell are we not using it as a central register for Joe or Jean public to log on see your grade qualifications and also if your are insured plus if you earn over say £120,000 then you have to get registered as it is pretty obvious that you have a couple of employees.
PS also if you think the JIB/insurance thing would not work then remember the next tim yo log on for a tax disk because the system can check if your car/van is insured and road taxed so this system can work it can free up people like me to carry out my legal daily business without getting me so tied up with a registration company who lets face it could not give a ---- about a business earning £250,000 and why do I say that because it is in their schedule if you earn over this then they want a 1% cut of your profits above it.
Also forgot to add when Screwflux opened their Electroflux counters they told me I could not register with them as I was not Part P or registered when I explained to them that they were trying to impose English regulations in Scotland I got a very nice phone call from their Scottish manager who said yes you are correct we are changing this in Scotland so that you will get a Electriflux account on the presentation of your SJIB card
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