Has anyone installed the new compact rcbo from crabtree and noticed a flaw that they have introduced that doesn't exist on the older larger model starbreaker rcbo..
The basics of it are that the new compact rcbo when plugged into the busbar in a circumstance that many will come across where you can't turn off the mains once the rcbo is clicked in but still in the off position the neutral tail actually bacomes live and has upto 170 volts on it, therefor if u touch this and then the neutral bar you become part of the circuit and get a shock..
The basics of it are that the new compact rcbo when plugged into the busbar in a circumstance that many will come across where you can't turn off the mains once the rcbo is clicked in but still in the off position the neutral tail actually bacomes live and has upto 170 volts on it, therefor if u touch this and then the neutral bar you become part of the circuit and get a shock..