You are talking about the DNO supply here and not a 95mm from your local sub DB? If the 95mm is to the DNO cut-out then I would imagine if THEY needed to, they would put 300Amp fuses in if it saved them money. They're interpretation of current carrying capacities and BS7671 guide for current carrying capacities are two wildly different things!
Here's the conversation;
You: I need a 200A supply
DNOk, well we need to do some calcs, more calcs, alter supply characteristics etc etc that will cost you £kkkkkk and our engineer will be along to replace 150A fuses with 200A fuses.
As has been previously posted, this will come down to generator costs outweighing DNO fuse replacement costs.
Are you implying here that the installation of a generator and it's overall running costs is going to be a cost effective solution over the DNO's charges for uprating the supply fuses??
If you are, then you obviously have no experience of running prime power generators....