I worked as an engineer for a DNO for thirty-five years. Last year I had a 3.12kW system installed. All worked fine until mid summer when I noticed several trips taking place around lunchtime at peak production. I still had a calibrated voltage tester and my incoming volts with pv off production was around 250-252volts. I rang the local office as a customer and explained I wanted the situation logging. I actually knew that we had a 33/11kv primary transformer out for some work and the tap changer was on fixed tap due to a problem. This situation went on for about a week with tripping at peak production times when the DNO network was restored the problem still caried on.
I again contacted the DNO and this time explained the situation 'officially' Needless to say the lads that came round knew me and they admitted they knew very little about the voltage issues regarding PV production. They checked volts at the local sub-station (252v) and again at my house again just about on limits. We had a bit of a training session, tea, biscuits and a chat and they agreed volts were a bit high.
Next day they backfed sub-station lowered the tap and house volts incoming are now 240v with PV off.
All I can say to help is offer tea, biscuits and explain your point honestly. I understand they are flooded with these type of issues now, so I think I was lucky. I have no doubt they are now sticking to the terms and conditions to save money on network reinforcement.